Annabeth Chase

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Percy has always known exactly how to plan the perfect dates.

I think it's because he knows me, better than I do myself, even. I'd known him for ten years and he was my boyfriend, the love of my life and my best friend.

Percy has my hand clasped in his own, slowly rubbing his index finger along my palm. I lean against him and examine the garden. In the daytime, the sun shone brightly and the squeals of children echoed across the place. At night, moonlight reflected off the water in the fountain and the garden seemed intriguing and mesmerising.

"It's gorgeous," I said.

"You're gorgeous," Percy replied.

I shoved his shoulder lightly. "When did you get all cheesy, Seaweed Brain?"

"Completely your fault," he said.

I pointed my finger at his chest. "Don't pin this on me."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him. "Everything I do is a little bit about you, love, so you're gonna have to take some of the blame."

I scoffed. "Please, don't blame your behaviour on me. Next time you do something astronomically stupid, it's got absolutely nothing to do with me."

"I'll blame all those decisions on Leo then, huh?"

"Yes, exactly. But any good ideas you have can be credited to me."

Percy looked down at me fondly, complete adoration in his sea green eyes. I couldn't help but look back up at him with the same sweet look.

It was then I realised we were completely alone.

Then, Percy moves in front of me. He extracts his hand from mine and places it into his pocket. My heart rate speeds up—I'm not an idiot, I know what this is.

He kneels down, eyes shining as he pulls out a box and opens it, revealing a ring encrusted with a large diamond. It sparkles isn't he moonlight, bright and beautiful. My eyes stung with unshed tears. "Annabeth Chase," he said. "I love you, and I always have, even when I was too blind to realise it."

Tears build up in my eyes. I am so incredibly ecstatic, because I love him, and I want to marry him.

"You're smart, I'm not. You're gorgeous in every way, I'm not. You're perfect, and I'm not. But I'm completely and irrevocably in love with you, and that's all I have to offer you, so I hope that will be enough."

I nod, telling him that yes, it is enough, it always has been.

"You're the one who has gotten me through all those quests, through the toughest times in my life. You're the love of my life, Annabeth, so I'm begging of you, please, make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

"Yes," I choke out, through a sob. "Yes, of course. Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!"

He slips the ring onto my finger and pulls me close, for a kiss that makes me melt. Our mouths move against each other's in a way that is simultaneously familiar and unrecognisable.

I break away and lean up to whisper in his ear, "Did you get the word irrevocably from Twilight?"

I felt Percy's chest move as he laughed against me, and I was filled with a complete and utter sense of love. I knew I was going to love this man for the rest of my life. "I've been binging them, okay? It's not my fault they're addictive."

The silence was broken mere moments lately by the likeliest of offenders.

"Yo, guys! Look at this!" Leo. Of course. Suddenly, the entire camp seems to be with us, hoisted us onto their shoulders just like they did all those years ago.

"To the fountain!" Travis announces.

With our hands intertwined, and our smiles brighter than the stars above, we were carried to the fountain by hands and arms and shoulders, but our spirits were carried by triumphant yells and the thought of the years stretching before us. Percy. Me. The rest of our lives.

I shrieked a laugh and Percy and I were deposited in the fountain. Not even the water could disguise the cheering of our friends; friends who'd watched us grow, watched us find each other. Ten long years in the story of Percy and Annabeth.

When he kissed me, I couldn't help but smile. Reminiscing about the past, so dark and sometimes awful, but filled with the bright spot that was Percy Jackson. When I thought about the future, it was all bright.

"I love you," I whisper, into his mouth. "More than you could ever know."

"I love you, and I can't wait to marry you, Annabeth Chase," he said, dropping a kiss on my mouth, my nose, my forehead.

"Annabeth Chase-Jackson."

His answering grin was something from a fairy tale, and I loved kissing it to oblivion.

A/N: yes, I've published something exactly like this before. This is a revamped version of that chapter just to add a little something, and I'll eventually go and delete the original. I'm hoping to do that with a few older chapters to improve the writing 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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