Chapter 6

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After being rejected thrice for job offers around the Upper East side I was exhausted. Now there were two other options around the main city. I was hungry and at any cost I didn't want to think about Diem. I was carrying my emotionless face the whole day. It wasn't easy to move on yet. After being dipped in Charcoal for so long, you need some time to get your normal self back and I wasn't even close to being normal. May be that was the reason that it was so difficult getting a job. I had lost it. My confidence, my manners, my ways, my everything was nowhere to be found. My enthusiasm was gone and I was walking in a confused state all day long.

"what's the problem in trying a few other options in the main city?", I thought to myself.

It stopped raining and the sun was above my head and I wanted to get done with his job thing as fast as i could. 

"OK one left and one right and the restaurant should be on my left. Perfect"

"Roof Top Exotica", I read.

"Ok let's see how it goes".

It was a classic place with fine music and professional parties going on and People giving toasts. There were some happy families eating and talking. There was one young couple in the corner. The view from the top was amazing. I could feel some kind of hidden engagement and warmth about the place as if it was alive. As if the place was welcoming me.

"Excuse me Ma'am, What can we do for you ?"

"Hi, I am Amanda.I saw an advertisement regarding some job openings and....."

"Sorry Ma'am but we are not looking for employees anymore. That commercial was taken off day before yesterday."

"Oh. I must not have noted the day. Sorry. Ok then....", I sighed.

I was going to leave but my stomach wanted to say something now.

"Umm... I would like to order something.."

"Ok Ma'am sure. This way please."

He took me to a table for two and placed the menu in front of me. Surprisingly this place wasn't expensive at all. It was affordable and It made me super hungry. I was looking at some dishes here and there when I heard a cheer, like an applause type of cheer. Just two tables ahead of me, A party was going on . Looked like some sort of office party. There was one person speaking with a wine glass in his hands, talking in a charismatic manner with confidence. He spoke something about stats and annual profit and then the crowd around him lauded. I wasn't sure if It was only about the profits that people were so engrossed. Because it felt like a personality which could win a million hearts with a blink of an eye. His smile was calm and confident, his eyes soothing and his persona golden. If he would go for a job interview, he would be taken in without any thought process at all. He would be the one representing the brand and wooing million minds and hearts through his talent. He had a suit on and looked like a charming business man with high ambitions but a person who would never forget to take care of his family. Some people would definitely call him perfect and the other wives would envy his wife. Other husbands would envy him. They would think if only someone wasn't that perfect, there wouldn't have been a definition to perfect at all. I could see my eyes rolling over his body and my mind excelling in imagination when I realized I have been staring at him for past 10 minutes.

"Better give my order now. Excuse me...."

"I will take Chicken Salad and Chocolate milkshake."

"Where is that man? He was right there. Has he left? No. I don't want to lose him. I want to talk to him."

I started looking everywhere in an awkward way. Looking front and back and side wards, towards the kitchen door. Everywhere but he was nowhere to be seen while his teammates were here itself. 

"Did he disappear?"

I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I looked back an electric wave passed through my entire body. It was him. So he saw me moving my head in hundred directions in an attempt to find him. My cheeks were red with embarrassment. He pulled out the chair in front of me and sat there, smiling confidently.

"I assume you have got interest in business. I saw you staring at our meeting".

"Yes? No no...It was just...Nothing.", I heard myself saying. More like stammering.

"Why am I shying??? GODD stop....", I thought.

Then I continued. "Actually I have never been a good speaker and when I saw you speaking, I got carried away, I mean you were superb. People were actually listening and sharing each and every feel you were communicating. I enjoyed the positive vibes."

"We all do. Positive vibes are essential for survival. And Marketing". He winked.

"But I have kind of lost touch with positive for a while....due to some...circumstances.....How can I bring it back in my life. Everything I went through was so dark. So dark that it pulled me and made me dark". 

I felt my eye getting a little teary and then I realized that he was a business man not a psychiatrist. 

"I am so sorry. so sorry. I never meant to...."

"It is okay. The first step to letting go of darkness is removing it from the body and tears carry some amount with them",  He laughed but with warmth, as if he understood it all. As if we both were on the same page.

"You know what? There is a Documentary that I think will help you. Let's meet up". He winked again with a comforting smile. He gave me the venue and time and you know what, "His phone number".

"By the way I am Chad, Nice to meet you"

"Amanda", I smiled. And then he walked away where his other team members were waiting for him to leave. I looked at him leaving. Hoping he would look back. And he did. And it made my day.

"So Chad....", I thought. Let's see how it goes tomorrow. I was never interested in Documentaries but what he did was kind and it would be a nice way to keep me distracted.

"Let's wait for tomorrow...". After so long I could feel the smile on my face and I liked it.

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