07 // questions and troubles

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"why are you so fucking nice to others who's cruel, insensitive and heartless like me?" asked enoch to agatha.

"oh, my mum once told me, that, i should be nice to other people. because they might be facing some problems in life." said agatha as she leaned her head on enoch's shoulder.

"do you like jacob?" asked enoch.

"yeah." said agatha, "just a little bit."

good thing she didn't love him. said enoch in his mind.

"do you think that he's handsome?" asked enoch.

"what? do you have a crush on him, enoch?" said agatha and laughed, enoch flustered.

"no!" said enoch, his accent thickening.

"maybe, yeah." said agatha. "next question."

"what's your peculiarity?"

"i would tell you that tomorrow, but today, let me sleep." agatha said, yawning.

enoch was supposed to stand up but agatha stopped him.

"could you please stay a little?" agatha asked. enoch nodded and agatha shut her eyes.

enoch touched her dirty blonde hair, and looked at her. she was wearing pajamas and oversized shirt— which was hooked up her left shoulder which showed the scar she had the first day the two of them met.

she looks so beautiful, said enoch to his mind. what? no!

few minutes later, enoch left the blonde girl sleeping.

agatha was again, in the spiritual realm. but this time, in the same house.

"hullo?" asked agatha as she walked upstairs.

the last room's door was open. agatha quickly went inside the door, revealing an unusual looking boy who was laying in a bed and a spirit..

"hey?" said agatha. the spirit looked at her weirdly and asked,

"you could see me?"

"yeah. i'm a peculiar. i could see, enter spiritual worlds and make pacts to spirits." agatha said. "i'm agatha."

"victor." said the boy glumly.

"why are you here? did you die here?"

"yes." said victor, looking at agatha. "it was a very long time ago. i assume that you are new?"

"yes, i am." said agatha. she observed the young spirit, why doesn't he have eyes in his physical form?

"if you don't mind me asking... why is the body here doesn't have his eyes? is this boy you?"

"yes..." said victor, looking at agatha's eyes. "i died because of... hollowgasts. beasts, absolute monsters."

agatha looked at him sadly, "i—i'm sorry if you got your life gone by a monster..."

numb heart // enoch o'connorWhere stories live. Discover now