17 // life

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barron left agatha and went for jacob. agatha looked down, she saw a knife, and lots of blood.

emma and enoch came, enoch holding miss peregrine's crossbow. they saw agatha, at the edge of the stairs, a knife stabbed to her lower chest.

enoch went beside her. "are you okay? are you still alive?"

agatha smirked weakly, "i am alive."
"just save jacob's daft ass."

"but you're dying!" protested enoch worriedly.

"just save him, we can't lose him!"

they left her, but agatha let her tears fall. "i am really dying now, am i?"

lucas appeared in front of her and smiled sadly. "i want to help you, agatha... i want to heal you... unfortunately, you own my peculiarity, and you're too weak already... i'm sorry..."

agatha looked at him, "go back please. it's no one's fault, lucas..."

enoch held the crossbow, ready to shoot the jacob on the right.

emma stopped him.

"i am jacob!" said the two jacobs in unison.

"prove it!" emma shouted.

"i am jacob, i live in florida, i'm eighteen..." said the jacob on the left.

"that's jacob!" they pointed the one on the left.

"no? i am! i told him all of that! he was my psychiatrist!"

suddenly, the jacobs faced each other. jacob on the right moved back.

"i can prove that i am the real me." he said and suddenly, the jacob on the left was raised up high- turned into barron and quickly fell down.

enoch shot the hollowgast straight to the head, its shadow was seen.

enoch let go of the crossbow he was holding and ran back to agatha. jacob and emma followed too.

they saw agatha, she was bloody, blood everywhere and a knife stabbed in her lower chest.

enoch was infront of her, checking her pulse. it was still beating- but agatha's breathing was poorly heavy.

"y-you guys, did it." said agatha as she smiled weakly at them. "i heard all of the shouting."

enoch looked at her, "how could you smile at the time like this? you're dying!"

"i am, enoch, i am." she said. "at least barron's dead, and i told him his life's fucked up."

jacob looked at her sadly, "i'm sorry, agatha. for everything."

"ap-apology accepted, jake." agatha stuttered out.

agatha looked at enoch, who had agatha's upper body in his arms and her lower body at his lap. "stay alive for me, agatha. you-you promised you won't die, right?"

"before an-anything else..." said agatha and breathe heavily, "i love you, enoch o'connor."

"i-i..." enoch said and looked at agatha. her eyes were closed.

"agatha? agatha!" enoch shaked her and held her pulse. nothing.

jacob and emma was crying silently.
the other children seemed to notice the problem. they went down and saw enoch, agatha in his arms.

"oh my!" said olive as she saw agatha.

agatha was paler than usual, her shirt was full of blood, her hands had blood too.

jacob wiped his tears away, "enoch, you have to go."

"no," enoch said and his tears fell from his eyes. "i won't leave agatha alone."

"you have to, i'll come back for her when you go. i promise." promised jacob, putting a hand on enoch's shoulder.

"i love you too agatha desario." enoch said and kissed agatha's lips.

he let go of her, they walked back to the ghost town sadly, tears and sadness filled each and one of the peculiars.

the peculiars went back to their time loop. jacob sat down, and he let his tears fall.

numb heart // enoch o'connorWhere stories live. Discover now