My sweet alpha

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My life, being a were-wolf with some other things that you will get as you read on, is more difficult than most think that it is. I grew up with my grandma because my mother died while in child birth with my 2 younger siblings Caleb and Ally and my dad was MIA ever since. I was only 3 when that happened and did't know much about what was happening except that my father and mother were both gone. Angel is my one year older brother who will be alpha of a pack but for now he's the first born son of our dad.

My grandmother is on my dad's side but he never comes to visit but I've always gotten use to that but Angel is the one who has trouble with that. When Angel was 5 years old, it was his first transition and that was the first time in 2 years that we got a letter in the mail saying since he turned that he need to go to a private boarding school for witches, vampires, were-cats and of course were-wolves and that next year I would have to go as well.

My grandmother knew that I was one because I get most of it from my dad's side of the family. I might want to tell you that my dad and mom weren't married even after she had four kids with him. I also might want to tell you that my dad was married to another women who is his true mate (or so the pack says) while being with my mom. My mom was his secondary mate, he obviously loved her but he love his first mate more because she was just a were-wolf were as my mom was a witch/were-wolf/vampire. And yes I am all three just like my siblings who I take care of with my grandma and Angel. I went to the school and kept my head down since I knew that as soon as I opened my mouth that every one would know who I am. My father is a man who has 7 children and I'm the 2nd oldest. 4 with my mom and 3 with Elizabeth who by the way doesn't like me at all since what ever power that was going to go to her first born daughter is going to go to me. My dad's name is Shane.

My grandma always had pictures of my father and my mother in her room and she gave me their album for when they were in school till the day that I was born. My mother had long brown wavy hair with streaks of blue and blonde. My dad has black as coal hair and golden-black eyes.

My grandma is one of the wolves who chose to live in the light but my dad followed his father to the dark. My mother was as good and pure as things got in this world.

Oh and did I forget to mention that my dad's an Alpha of the Mid-night wolf tribe. So yeah I'm an Alpha female.

When I was 5 I made a little group of friends and we all agreed that we would be best friends forever. There was 6 of us. Matty (the same as me), Elena (were-cat/wer-wolf), Hannah (Witch), Toby (Vampire/Were-wolf), Alex (plan were-wolf) and me. I didn't raise my hand or do anything to stand out. I would watch the videos about how to kill a species that would kill you in any way, for any reason, and rogues and number one threat that I hate so much. Vampires a silver bullet through the heart and head or have their heads chopped off. Were-wolves knife through the heart and chop off the head them set them on fire. Were-cats, easy, it's like killing a human but with super strength. Witches are the hardest to kill because they can deflect anything that comes toward them, you pretty much have to be close to spill a special toxan on them or slip it into their drinks. 

The academy pretty much drilled in to us that we are here to protect the innocent and not to hurt each other but that didn't stop the others from bullying my group. They called us the loners after Sicilia came to the school in 3rd grade and it stuck. 

During the summers I would come home and see how my grandma was doing since I had to leave and after three years of me going Ally and Caleb had to go as well. They got bullied a lot to because they knew that they shouldn't do anything to others and just ignor it.

When we went into middle school, Sicilia and her group of populars had Alex and Hannah join her group and they started to torment others but finally left my group alone.

My first year of High School went by really fast and I found out that Ally and Caleb stopped getting bullied. 

I came home to find out that all my old cloths were getting to short and my bras were too. Grandma took me out shopping and we got me new clothes that costed over 2 thousand bucks but since we were rich and my dad was Alpha and so was grandma in her pack before my uncle and his mate/wife took over the white light wolf pack. 

My dad's mate is dark there for he turned dark right after my mother died. Grandma hates Elizabeth so she was the one who push him towards my mother and if she didn't she wouldn't have had all four of us growing up in her house.

I never found out who my mate was in my freshman year even though every body else was. That summer is a summer that I will never forget.

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