Chapter 4 - Meeting the rest of the pack

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My father stands up and comes to close to me. I back up a little to make that clear "Emily?" He says my name as a question so I nod slowly not wanting to do anything rash. "You look so much like your mother it's unbelievable."

I swallow a lump in my throat and say "Thank you." As proprely as I could with out sounding weak.

"It's so nice to see.." He stops as soon as his eyes sees the red mark on my face. I instantly go still. "Who did that to you?" He demands.

"I tripped and fell in the woods hunting and hit my face against a tree." I lie to him to get him off my back as soon as possible.

"I can smell some of my pack on you and my guess is that you fought them and all you got was a slap on the face." I straighten up because I can see that he's very pissed about it.

"You are my first daughter and you defeated two of my pack members, impressive. Did you kill them?"

I look into his face and say "Are you fucking kidding me right now? No I did not kill them, I left them alive and yes you got it right for a change." I say in a growl. He stepped a little closser to me with rage in them.

"Shane, Don't you hit her!" Grandma yells from across the room in her chair but it was too late he hit me so hard I hit the ground in a second flat and my body spinned to where I landed on my front. My right side of my face hurt. I thought I heard a crack when he hit me. 

I look at him and yell "I hated you before you contacted us but now I hate you even more. How dare you say nice things to me and get pissed off that I beat two of your pack members and then hit me!" I stand up and look over to the door way where Angel now stood his face for protection for me but the worse part is that he felt protection for our dad. I shake my head when he came closer to me and I started to run past him to go get Caleb and leave. He grabs my arm and stops me. "Don't do anything rash, Angel." grandma says "You already pissed her off before you don't want her mad at you now."

"I need to speak with you." He says and pulls me outside. "How could you do that to our dad?"

"I didn't do anything to him! He's the one who slapped me." We're out in the back yard it's a cool night not as hot as some of the days that come during the summer. I started to cool down.

"He just got back and now he has to handle a bitch of a daughter." Angel spits out. What he's saying now, calling me a bitch is nothing new.

"I was respectful to him. I didn't want to tell him what actually happened and especially you and besides your not really mad at me for saying that, you are really mad because I told you a lie and you believed it."

"You just ruined our chance for us to be in his pack." He says like he's mad.

"I don't care. I don't want to be in his pack." I yell out. "I want to be have my own and you know this." My cell phone chirped and I looked at it it was a text from Elena that says 'hey are you okay? I just got a sense that you need me.' I send her a text back 'Yeah I'm fine it's just a surprise visit from my father and his pack/family and I just got hit by him too.'

'R U OK?' She sends back in all caps.

'Yeah, it just hurts and Angel's defending him, says I need to be in our father's pack, stuff like that. But I'm fine just be on the look out for me cause I'm going to gather all of you up soon so we can start the actual pack and live together.'

'How?' Is all she sends back.

'We'll still go to school but maybe in the UK instead.' I text back.

'Really!! :):):)' is what she sends and I giggle a little bit and look up to see Angel watching me. "I'm getting my pack together and soon so I don't give a fuck if you join dad's pack but I'm not going to be in his pack."

"Fine but please go and apologize, please sis."

I looked into his eyes and shake my head while rolling my eyes then sigh "Fine, what ever tomorrow morning we'll have a meeting and after I'm going to find my friends/members of my pack." I walk into the living room and see Clayton and the guy who I did a good job beating but also can't stop thinking about with the rest of dad's pack and family in the room. I look over to my dad after seeing the surprized look on the guy's face. I saw the hurt on my dad's face. "You heard that didn't you, father?"

"Yes we heard what you were saying, Emily, and I am sorry to hear that but I'm glad you gave your brother permission to join."

"I am sorry for making you seem like a fool, father but I need to take over my own pack one that has both light and dark sides in it."

"How are you planning for that to work?" Clayton asks.

"Under my alpha power I will make sure that we all agree on the same thing."

"Light and dark never work together in all the years that packs have been alive." Elizabeth says

"Well I'm half dark and light and I do not wish to choose a side in this at all. My mother was light and obviously my dad is an alpha of a dark pack. That makes me and my siblings if they choose to be understanding of both dark and light being the bridge that connects the two." I say as a matter of factly.

"You've done a lot of thinking about this haven't you?" The guy from the alley asks me.

"Yes I have actually through my years of being apart from both parents and being in a school with both has made me understand both sides of species there."

"Well since you've already ate why don't I introduce you to the rest of the pack you already know Elizabeth and her children, your siblings and Clayton and Josh." So that's his name it's about time is what I think and then I hear my wolf say 'he's your main mate that's why you can't stop thinking about him.' "Josh is of a alpha line but came into my pack after I found him in the woods next to his parents' bodies. Then there's Carly, Carter, Parker, Miranda, Cassie, Sally, Mandy, Klause, Darik, Jamie, and Cara for the pack. That's every one here."

"It's nice to meet all of you." I say and start going up the stairs and hear Josh's voice yell out my name. The rest of their pack turned on music and started partying. I slowly turn around and see he's only a few steps away from me. He stepped on the one that made us at even height "Yes, Josh, what is it?"

"I know who you are to me." He whispers so only I can hear him.

"And what is that exactly?" I say like I didn't know what he was talking about besides he's in my father's pack I can not have him as my mate.

"You're my mate. I know that you're playing dumb with me I can see that look in your eyes that you know that I am to you."

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