Chapter 5- My Main Mate.

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"Emily! Wait!" Josh yells at me through the music that his and my father's pack turned on really loud for the welcome of a new member, my brother. ugh. I stop and turn around slowly and see him take one more step to even out our height. 

"Yes, Josh, What is it?" I ask in my polight as I could voice.

"I know what you are to me." He says it as low as he could so only I could hear him.

I need to play dumb so he doesn't suspect that I really am his mate even though he's in my father's pack, he's still cute. 'He's your mate' my wolf says to me again "Oh and what is that?"

"You're my mate. I know you're playing dumb with me, I can see that look in your eyes that you know I am." He says it like I was the one acting dumb.

"You're from my father's pack. I can't have a mate in his pack, I'm sorry but it's not going to work with us being mates." I say and start to turn around but he grabbed my arm and I tried to ignor what felt like electicity, a good kind, come from his bare hand to my bare arm.

"Wait, please. I know that you feel what I feel when I touch you, the same when you touch me." He says and slides his hand up to my shoulder. Where ever his hand touches sparks come off of it. My breath hitches when he steps up one more and leans down toward me to kiss me but then I hear some one at the top of the stairs. I pull back and see Caleb with his look of disappointment on his face.

"Caleb, I was just coming to look for you." I say and step up toward him.

"Yeah it looked like it. Were you trying to locate me in his eyes?"

I shake my head "No, he stopped me from coming to tell you we're leaving tomorrow." He looks at him and shakes his head. "Besides what did I tell you from coming out of your room till I got up there?"

"I heard the music and wanted to see what was going on."

"Angel just joined our father's pack." I say and get up the last steps.

"So my older brother just joined a pack that'll go against your plan and you're fraternizing with one of them. That's great, Em, just great." He says into my face.

"Caleb, I.." I started to say but he cut me off.

"Save it. I'll see you in the morning but save it." he says while walking away and slams his door. I start to cry and crumple to the floor. How has this family gotten so messed up? I ask myself.

Josh sits next to me and leans back against the wall. "I'm sorry for that."

"You're apologizing wow, I guess my father drilled that into you."

He smiled a smile that I notice he hasn't used for any one else "I really am sorry but your father did tell me that I could leave his pack at any time since I am of a alpha line not one to follow." He looks at me with an all knowing look.

"Oh, really?" I ask like I was shocked.

"Yes, really and I'll leave his pack to go into your's, if it's alright with you, but Clayton won't like it."

"Why, are you two brothers or just very close friends?"

He smiled a sad smile "We're half brother's. Clayton is your half brother too from Elizabeth. He's my half brother from my dad."

"So he's not really my half brother but step-brother." I smile and I look at him my wolf is changing my mind on him. We stayed sitting bey each other and every time we would talk about something personal we would get closer. I don't know how long we talked.

He pulled me into a half hug "So what time are you leaving tomorrow?"

"If I tell you, I would have Caleb on my ass." I say with sleep trying to take over, it's been a long day and I need to get to sleep so I can get up at 7am so we can go at 7:30am to get Toby and Dani since they are a closer drive (2 hour drive) and are in California, same with Elena and Ray who are only 3 hours away, then we have to get Matty and Victoria who live in California. I look up at Josh's face "Fine we are leaving at 7:30am."

"AM, Wow you are brave to face the sun that early." I smile at him "But I'm coming with a couple of the pack members who like your idea as well."

"That's good but I never have known a lot of pack member's coming out of a pack on their own to join another." I say with my head on his shoulder.

"Sleep is trying to clam you. Let's get you to your bedroom." He says as he gently puts my head against the wall so he could stand. He picks me up like I weigh nothing. I wrap my arms around his neck and put my head on his chest where I hear his heart beat. I feel his biceps around my body. "Which room's your's?"

"The second one on the right ." I yawn and snuggle into him. I hear my door open and shut he puts me on my bed and starts to leave. "Stay with me please." I plead to him and pat the empty side of the bed.

"Are you sure?" I nod. "Well I promise I'll be right back but first I want to see who would like to be with us in my own pack." I smiled.

"Okay, fine." I say and start to fall a sleep again.

"Goodnight." He whispers from the door and shuts it quietly.

"Goodnight." I whisper back and fall into deep sleep.

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