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QUINN CARSON COULDN'T remember a time, in the period she had known him, that she had ever been intimidated by Spencer Reid.

But, as the man sat before her, awaiting an explanation as to what had happened two years ago, her fingers began to tap against the side of her leg. How she had survived, what she had done, and how she ended up in London, working for one of his best friends, were all things that she had include in her talk. She wasn't sure how he would react to any of it.

She exhaled heavily, glancing up at him warily. "What do you want to know first?"

He didn't hesitate before his reply. "Did you actually pass?"

He'd been thinking about this. Quinn let out a shuddering breath, eyes closing. "Yes," she answered, not planning to hold back the truth. She watched him exhale shakily, then bite the inside of his cheek. "The bullet barely missed my spinal cord. The mix of the torture, drugs and blood loss was what truly killed me." Quinn swallowed harshly, suddenly finding it difficult to speak. "They- uh, were able to revive me in surgery. Hotch told me that it was a similar procedure that saved Emily. They were able to stabilize me enough to save me."

Spencer nodded, eyes trained on the carpet below him. "Did he know the whole time?" he asked, expanding as Quinn furrowed her brow. "Hotch. Did he help relocate you?"

Quinn nodded hesitantly. She recalled the memory of her final face-to-face conversation with Aaron Hotchner, their words running through her mind on a continuous loop.

The room was silent. Neither of them spoke to each other, knowing deep down what had to happen to ensure the safety of everyone they both loved.

"I can't subject you to this anymore," she whispered. "Any of you."


"For all Masters knows, I'm dead. That was the plan from the start. I wasn't anything but leverage for seven years. Joseph Lawrence was going to kill me. That was the only way that this was going to end," Quinn stated, voice hoarse. She let out a shuddering sigh, avoiding eye contact with her boss. "I can't have him attacking you all because of me. I can't."

Aaron fought to catch her gaze, and when he did, he understood. He had seen this occur with Emily Prentiss in 2011. He saw all of the pain, indecisiveness and rage written across her face. She didn't want to do this.

It didn't matter what she wanted. She had to do this.

"I know you're not used to receiving them, but I'm giving you an order," she muttered, a weak smile stretching her lips as she shifted to sit up straight on the hospital bed. "I will die, and no one else here, or anywhere will suffer."

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