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(you know how i work by now. not edited. will fix soon. enjoy!)

LIKE FATHER, LIKE daughter, Kyle Masters thought, a half-empty bottle of whiskey on the table before him. Both so curious, both willing to risk their well-being to know everything. His gaze stayed in line with the computer screen, eyes slightly glazed as he read the email over and over again.

Three's a crowd. As for two, you'll find out.

It was best to be cryptic. It made her more involved in the game.

All was silent in the small apartment The Horsemen had rented out. Masters stilled with every occasional creak, still unable to shake the slight paranoia that had begun ten years ago. The Commission could be lurking around any corner, behind any door, awaiting the right time to make their move. The tension between the two groups was becoming more overwhelming. The relationship between The Horsemen and The Commission was like a time bomb. It sat ticking, uncertain of its limit, waiting for someone to poke at it, ultimately setting it off. Kyle Masters feared the aftermath of the boom.

A war was brewing between the groups, that much was certain. It was a war that would wage until one group was left standing, reveling in their victory as the final, remaining mob.

Kyle Masters was a strategist, and in being so, he had to be practical. Though The Horsemen were strong and clever, The Commission's team went deep. They stretched internationally, their leaders having corrupted everything from federal systems to cargo ships. Their resources and connections were something to envy. The Horsemen were struggling to keep up.

In strategy, The Horsemen had the odds stacked against them. Kyle Masters had to even out the scale. There was only one way to do this. They had to get the FBI involved.

Was it risky? Yes. Stupid? Probably. A last resort? Most certainly. But, there was nothing that The Commission feared more than getting caught. It was why they were so secretive, why nobody had heard of them. If the FBI were to get involved, it would scare off almost half of their sources. Kyle knew how the BAU worked. He knew their strengths, weaknesses and how to work around them.

They now needed to start the war. The news of Quinn Carson's faked death was the finishing touch on the plan.

The tension grows. They throw Quinn to the feds. News spreads to The Commission that she's free. Tension grows thicker as both teams try to catch her, one trying to avenge her father, the other wishing nothing more than to see her dead. The Horsemen catch Quinn Carson and her heart stops two days later. Tension grows even thicker. Surprise, Quinn's not dead. The Horsemen find out through a valuable source and begin to assemble a team. Two years later, everything begins to come together.

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