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(surprise, surprise ya girl didn't edit this chapter. will do it in the morning. woohoo. hope you enjoy! -mags)


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CONNOR MALLORY LIKED to think that he spoke three languages.

While his mother tongue was English, he was raised by a father who was fluent in French, one who encouraged his sons to speak it when they wished. In his eariler days, Connor found himself switching between languages, enjoying his ability to speak to more people in different cultures.

This feeling continued when Connor discovered his affinity of computers at eleven years old.

He immersed himself in the world of technology, his love for new languages evolving as he learned programming, transforming himself into a sufficent hacker by his late teens. Connor thought of coding as his third language.

Perhaps that love of languages was why he was stationed at Interpol at three in the morning, attempting to put a crack into the Horsemen's technological foundation. Connor hadn't seen anything like this in all his years of work. As much as he hated Kyle Masters and his seemingly endless crusade, he had to commend the criminal on his system. It was not easy. It was actually the opposite of easy. Connor had compared it trying to break a brick wall by slamming your body into it repeatedly.

In all honesty, Connor Mallory shouldn't have even been in the building in the first place. The team was taken off the Horsemen case until further notice. But, there was something about this that didn't sit right with him. They should be working around the clock to save these kids, not calling 'dibs' on the case before them.

Connor sat back in his chair, swiping a hand down his face. He rubbed his eyes in an attempt to stop them from glazing over. He was close. He and Penelope both knew it. His breakthrough in the first layer of the system had helped them immensely.

He placed his head in the palm of his hand, using the other to haphazardly type in codes in an attempt to gain access. One of these had to work. It had to. His eyes began to droop.

Before they could close, there was a high pitched noise that made Connor flinch. His eyes snapped open to see a his screen go dark before a blank, black page appeared him. His brow furrowed as green text began to track it's away across the screen, spelling out words and phrases that felt strangely familiar to him. Connor leaned closer to the computer, a huff of a laugh escaping his lips. No fucking way.

"Shall we play a game?"

Connor leaned back, shaking his head. "'WarGames?'" he asked aloud, staring at the names of the games listed before him, exactly as done in the movie. He glanced behind him, checking to make sure no one was there before turning up the volume of his computer speaker.

Connor's fingers flew across the keys. Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear War?

The response from the electronic voice was nearly immediate, text inline with the voice. "Wouldn't you prefer a good game of chess?" Connor shook his head. This guy and his goddamn games.

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