The Ups and Downs

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Jaxon's POV

I stare at the mirror looking at myself. It's been a couple days and we heard back from Blake. She said that the word was out and Dominique knows. I'm now starting to prepare.

Going undercover is a lot like acting. The only major difference is if you break character or get caught you could get killed.

I've never loved acting and always thought of going undercover differently than most do. I see it professionally and as a job. I see it as a 'get in and out as quickly as possible without dying' situation.

"You still in there?" says Sofia as she bangs on the bathroom door.

"I'll be right out," I say gripping the sides of the sink with my hands.

Don't die. Don't die.

I unlock the door and walk out of the bathroom. I turn the corner to see Sofia stripping in the middle of the living room.

"What are you doing?" I demand as I turn around.

She giggles and says, "You wouldn't hurry up, so I just decided to get ready here."

I sigh and walk into the kitchen. I pack up the files and check my phone.

"Aw, so you and Jessica made up?" Sofia sneers behind me as she looks over my shoulder.

I quickly turn off my phone and avoid her question. I walk over to my bag and pick it up. "Are you ready, yet?" I ask her turning around to face her. She's wearing a short, tight red dress with black pumps. Her dark brown hair is tossed to one side and she holds a small, red clutch.

"Yep," she replies as she twirls her hair.

"Let's go," I say walking towards the door. I hear the clank of heels behind me and shake my head.

What have I gotten myself into?


"Dominique!" Sofia squeals, running up and hugging Dominique Estran. He smiles and turns his focus turning to me.

"Who is this?" he inquires as he looks to me, but clearly directing the question to Sofia.

"He's my bodyguard," she replies swiftly.

"And why would you need a bodyguard?" he questions turning his attention back to Sofia.

"Just in case," she says not finishing her sentence.

"In case?" Dominique pesters, forcing her to finish.

"The police, alright." Sofia rolls her eyes as if she doesn't want to admit she needed protection. He sighs and squints his eyes a little.

He's not buying it.

I clear my throat and raise my eyebrows at Sofia.

"Yes?" she asks in an annoyed tone.

"You have dinner tonight," I say ignoring her tone.

"Can't you cancel for me?" she snaps turning to Dominique. "I mean that'd be rude for me to cut a reunion so short."

I stop and look at her. She returns her gaze to me and narrows her eyes. "Of course," I say and exit the room.

I take out my phone and act like I'm dialing a number. I pretend to talk saying random things and then I hang up. As I'm walking back inside I'm suddenly grabbed and pulled into a small room. I look and see a familiar face, Sofia. She slams me into the wall and grabs the collar of my shirt with her hands. She comes so close to me that I can feel her breathing.

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