Deadly Love

15 1 0

Sofia's POV

I walk over to the window of the small room I was in. I look out and see a car passing. The freedom the person driving it has seems like such a different mindset than what I have. They aren't stuck in a cell or in a tiny cramped house. 

I get it, I screwed up in life, but it's not like I was taught anything different. I'm punished for someone else's mistakes like always. It started off with my parents. They never did anything to let me know that what I was doing wasn't safe. Then I took the blame for someone who I thought was my friend. Turns out I was wrong. 

Why do I always take the fall?

I slam my hands against the wall a little harder than I meant to. A picture frame falls off the wall. "Great," I mutter angrily to myself. I go over to pick it up and glass falls out of the frame. 

It shattered. Fantastic.

"You okay?" Jaxon's voice calls from outside my door.

"Just peachy," I respond sarcastically as I pick up the broken frame. A generic picture of a random family falls to the ground. "So that's what a picture perfect family is," I mutter to myself as I lean over to snatch it from the ground.

"What?" Jaxon's voice asks from outside my door.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I turn to the trash can and chuck the frame in. I go and begin to gather the shards of glass. I go to throw them away but suddenly feel something warm on my hand. I quickly throw the shards into the bin and examine my hand. Blood drips from my hand.

Guess I held it a little too tight.

I scoff and look around the room, trying to find something to stop the bleeding with. I spot a box of tissues on a nightstand, so I quickly grab them. I carefully maneuver back to the trash can not wanting blood to drip everywhere. It was a much deeper cut than I thought.

I, once I've soaked up at least some of the blood, quietly walk out of my room. Not wanting Jaxon to hear me, I tip toe to the bathroom. I pray that there is a first aid kit in there, so he'll never have to know about my accident.

"You okay?" his voice says from behind me. 

I plaster on a fake smile and turn to him saying, "Yeah."

His eyes immediately land on my hand. The tissue by now is completely soaked in blood.

Could this bleed anymore?

"What happened?" he asks concerned.

"Just cut my hand. I swear I'm fine," I say avoiding his concerned looks. I quickly turn and rush into the bathroom.

"Sofia-" he starts, but the sound of the bathroom door slamming and locking shut drowns out his voice for a second. 

Alright, let's make this quick.

"Sofia, I need you to open the door," Jaxon says sternly.

"Can't you give me a second?" I ask annoyed.

"No, I can't. You can't be around certain stuff."

I stop and turn to the door. Even though he couldn't see me, I still face the door as I shout, "I am not suicidal! I will not drink the alcohol or peroxide! I will not take any pills! I will not steal anything! I didn't do this on purpose! And I will not open this door!"

He doesn't say anything and while he isn't I run through the list of things a "criminal" might do in this situation.

I'm pretty sure I covered everything.

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