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Sofia's POV 

I leaned my head against the cold wall. 

What had I just done? I told him I had a child, no one knows that. Why?  Why did I tell him?

I rub my face trying to wake up from this nightmare that I knew would only get worse. I reached into my jeans pocket and pulled out a crumpled photograph. It was the only photo I had of him - my ultrasound. It anchored me and kept me from losing control, losing my mind. Ever since I knew he existed, I had done everything for him. While my methods weren't always lawful, I still tried my best. It's not like I ever had the best role models.

I huffed loudly and shoved the photo back into my pocket as I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I turn ready with my guard up not knowing who it is. I suddenly see vibrant red hair bouncing - Blake.

"You got my call?" I ask, surprised that she even came. 

"Of course. I'm just wondering how you did all of this. I mean you kidnapped a CIA agent," she rambles, something she does when she's extremely confounded. 

"I'll explain everything later, I just need you to get Jaxon out of here."

"Wait," she pauses, thinking it over, "you want me to help the CIA agent you kidnapped escape?" 

"Yes," I say. "Now, no time for questions. He's through the far door on the left," I explain and point to the door. "After you get him out, you need to get out of here and fast. You have roughly fifteen minutes, so I've mapped out a few different ways. I'll send them to you. Once you get out, there should be a black Sedan parked out back, near the gated fence. Get in there and go to Advent Park. I should be there by eight, if not leave."

"Without you?" she asks, scared by my plan and by my answer.

"Yeah," I tell her. "You've got fifteen minutes, go."


Jaxon's POV

Sofia left the room after that. She left me to my thoughts, which right now were more confused than they had ever been.

A child? She had a child, and I just told her I'd help her. A criminal? But-But why? Why would I agree to that?

My head swirled with conflicting thoughts. I hadn't fully thought through everything that she had said and even worse what I said. My words were unfiltered, but nevertheless now out there in the open. I knew I couldn't go back now. I was too far in this mess.

I wished for Jessica. My blonde haired, beauty. Her smile and her simple nature. I would give anything to be with her, snuggled up in our warm bed. Bodies together and eyes locked. The world fading and nothing but her. If only life was that simple. If only I was there instead of in a dark, musty room tied to a chair with ropes that were rubbing my wrists raw.

The world is a dark place. I always knew that, but I had never truly believed that until now. I questioned what made me realize it now. Was it the hopeless tone in Sofia's voice, or the fact that I had been betrayed? Or maybe, just maybe it had nothing to do with my circumstances at all.

I let out a sigh, feeling alone now more than ever. I should be trying to escape, I had been trained for this moment. I knew I could get out, but a wave of calm fell over me. Something clicked that from this moment on I was not running the show, it was Sofia. And I know realize she had always been running it.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a creak from the door. A head poked around and made eye contact with me, although she had to squint since her eyes had not yet adjusted to the darkness of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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