Plan A

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Jaxon's POV

I stared at the ground intently not believing the story she just told.

She's lying. She has to be. There's no way that-Wait. Am I really trying to take up for her? 

"I'm not lying if that's what you're thinking," she states emotionlessly. "How could I have even made up a story like that." She began to get choked up again. 

I turned my gaze to her and looked her dead in the eye. "You weren't really the cause of their death," I tell her, still conflicted with myself since I'm taking up for her.

She humorlessly laughs. "Is that your way of consoling me?"

I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck. "Sorta. I mean you were an accomplice, but you didn't directly kill them." I see her bite her lip as she holds back tears. 

"Well, I'm a witness as well as Clay, so let's lock up this bastard for life."


I stare down at the kitchen table. Am I really considering giving her a laptop? It's been staring at me for the last ten minutes. I've weighed the pros and cons, with there being far riskier cons than pros. 

"Hi," Sofia greets as she walks into the kitchen, looking better than she did earlier.

I don't respond, but instead, continue my thought process. Weighing the pros and cons.

"What's that?" she asks, coming closer until she sees the laptop on the counter. "Is that-?" she starts, but I cut her off.

"Yours? Possibly," I say, uninterested in her at the moment.

"So you trust me?" she asks taken aback.

"As of now it's undecided," I respond, turning to face her. "I've weighed both sides, and despite the cons, the single pro I think outweighs all the cons."

"Really?" she gasps as if she's a little kid about to get a pony.

"There are rules though," I stated matter of factly. "I will be monitoring you, and it stays in my sight no matter what. If I see you try to contact any of your little friends I won't hesitate to shut down this whole entire thing, okay?" 

"Got it!" she eagerly says and grabs the laptop. She races to the kitchen table. She whips open the laptop and starts typing furiously. I walk over to her and I see her talent first hand. 

Within minutes the password that I had if she would've just asked, is cracked and she's in it. Her fingers fly across the keys as she begins to access every file about Dominique. She scans over them, trying to look for something she apparently hasn't see in the others that are scattered around the house. 

"You know that those files are the exact same-" I start, but get interrupted by her shushing me. I roll my eyes and take a seat next to her. 

She continues to type and scan each page and follows every trail, that Dominique could be somehow linked to. I watch her for another thirty minutes, getting bored with her whole distrustfulness until she finally says something.

"Got it!" she exclaims, motioning for me to look.

I skeptically look at the file. It's a woman who is dark skinned and has tight, brunette curls. I read her name, Nailah Poliac. She hasn't ever crossed my searches and I look at Sofia with a confused look.

"She's our way in, Jaxon!" she says, smiling happily.

"How?" I question, still not understanding what she has to do with anything.

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