What do i do?

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When I saw her with this guy I freaked out, I now knew why she was so mad.

I looked at Haley with disappointment. She knew exactly what I was trying to say.

"Shouldn't we tell him?" I asked concerned

"I have no clue" she made her beautiful green eyes widen.

"I have to go" she said while she was running off

I haven't the slightest idea of what to do. That bitch. She is nothing but a lying best friend stealing hoe. I will never ever look at her again.

As I was walking back to the house I saw Jacob.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to say.

"Eliza" he shouted

I ignored him and walked faster.

Once I got home I went straight upstairs and started thinking about my situation.

Do I tell him, should I tell him? Should he figure it out on his own? Of course he would be heart broken but what else is there to do? How in the bloody hell am I supposed to future this out.
I'm not an adult I am a child. A older child.

Two days went by and I can't get it out of my head. I decided to tell him. I walked up to him. He was sitting at the shop with Josh, Hayden, and Preston.

All of them were on the football and baseball team.

"Hey beautiful" Josh said as I walked up

"It's like you want me to cut off your dick or whatever you have" I snapped back

Hayden laughed.

"Whoa feisty just how I like it" he winked when he said this.

"Shut the hell up. Jacob I need to talk to you please away from small dick, Hayden, and Preston"

"Ok" he said while waving goodbye to the three stooges.

"Listen after you left me and Haley went to the beach and we saw Alexis." I said while trying to be subtle


"And she was with another guy" well so much for subtle


What?! Okay is he mad sad what nothing what is wrong with him! He is being cheated on.

"Look Eliza I know you like me Preston told me. There is no reason to make up a lie to get me and Alexis broken up I love her. Sorry"

"Like you! Ha! You are such an asshole you know that. What's wrong with you I don't like you. And why would I tell Preston that if I did. Which I don't. I wouldn't lie to you but if you are going to take her side then do it. Bye Jacob"

"Bye Eliza" he looked at me and I looked at him.

I probably was burning a hole in his eyes.

I walked home. I was so furious. What is wrong with him? Why would I lie to him about something like this?

I called Haley and told her what happened. She was just as mad as me maybe worse.

We have school tomorrow and I hate it but I have to go. I will call Haley and see if she wants me to pick her up.

In love with my best friend. Where stories live. Discover now