The incident

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This horrible text was from Alexis. She was threatening me.

It had said "listen Eliza I am not stupid everyone knows you like Jacob and I would never cheat on him ever. I only kissed Josh because, I actually never kissed him he kissed me so..."

"Then how did your tongue end up in his mouth? That's what I thought now if you don't mind I have to go" I told her

She didn't reply but now that she said something i want to go with Jacob.

I told Cameryn and he was cool with it he wanted to go with another girl anyway.

I texted Jacob and told him I was down. He replied by saying ok see you there.

The dance was tonight I had nothing to wear so I called Haley. She brought over a tight sparkly grey dress that was really pretty. She curled my hair.

As we pulled up Josh came out. I guess he was here with Haley. Ha not she would end up cutting his throat.

"Damn babe you look fine." He said to Haley

Haley replied " and you look like you ugly. Fine and ugly don't mix so go find some other chick."

Then I saw Jacob he was in a tux that was grey with a white shirt under. He looked so stunning.

What am I saying I don't like him. I don't. I don't.

"Wow Eliza you look beautiful" he told me

"Thanks you look good to" shit why did I say good and not handsome.

Whatever he did look amazing not as amazing as me but amazing.

He "escorted" me inside while Josh was trying to get Haley to dance with him. She was shutting him down really easy.

After a while I started feeling a little woozy and light headed. What was happening I hadn't had anything to drink I looked at Haley she was dancing with Josh! What the heck I am so confused. I looked for Jacob I was ready to leave. I saw him with Alexis they had kissed.

That was the last thing I saw. That was the last thing I remember.

The next morning I woke up to George best to me. How did I get home what I'm so confused.

"George who took me home last night?"

"All I saw last night was the big disco lights"

"What?! Disco lights what color?"

"Mostly blue and red it was super loud it woke mommy up"

What?! A cop took me home. What had happened after the dance. Why can't I remember anything. I didn't drink anything all I had was some water that was it. I am absolutely positive.

Jacob is the one... JACOB that bastard I remember seeing him kiss that hoe.

I bet he drugged me. So he could flirt with Alexis he probably was just using me. Ugh.

I should see if Haley is ok.

"Hey Haley"

"Eliza your ok?!?!?"

"What do you mean?"

"You were buzzed last night what did you have I want some"

"WHAT!? I didn't have anything"

"What did you drink last night. Did you drink anything?"

"Yea. Water. Why?"


"Because what?!?"

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