Just Tell Him

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A/n: Here's today's update, I will write your guys extra chapter later today and upload it, thanks for being patient. Song is Skinny Love by Bon Iver. Wait to start.


I woke the next morning back in my bed, I didn't remember falling asleep last night, I don't even remember coming back down from the roof. I guess I fell asleep on the ledge with Josh. Well, that was intelligent Tyler. Fall asleep on the roof of a five story building. Pat on the back.

If I fell from the roof, I wanted it to be because I did it myself not because I accidentally fell. I checked around me and I didn't see any sign of Josh. He was always up before me I never understood how he woke up so early. I swear the guy just doesn't sleep. If he does it's less than I do and that's impressive.

I smiled to myself as I got up from the bed and shuffled out to the kitchen where I'm sure Josh was making breakfast as usual. We sort of fell into routine the last few weeks and I actually really like it and have been adapting to it considerably well.

Josh just made it easier I guess. There was that thing about him I still couldn't pinpoint, but I told myself I wasn't going to doubt it or question it anymore. I probably just feel like that because I'm used to others having a dark demeanor.

Josh's demeanor, on the other hand, was very enlightening and pure. Almost innocent I guess you could say.

"Hey, there he is." Josh smiled widely to me as I entered the kitchen.

"Nnng. Morning." I yawned out as I sat down after grabbing a cup of coffee.

If I had a bad habit I'd have to kick, it would probably be the excessive amount of coffee I drink on the daily. It probably doesn't help that I work in a coffee shop. Brendon likes to see me hyped up off caffeine so he continuously gives me coffee, while Dallon does it out of kindness.

Sometimes I wonder how those two work their relationship so well. I guess it's like they say, opposites attract.

So what does that say about Josh and I? I don't really see any differences between us. Similar tastes in music and games, though neither of us play games often, but when we do it's of course Mario Kart. But who doesn't like Mario Kart?

You all better like Mario Kart or I may just have to find a way to completely break this fourth wall and show ya a good match. Cause of course I am the undefeated champ. I'll have a couple slip ups here and there, but my track record is pretty straight thank you very much.

Perhaps it is going back to the demeanor of our presence, or maybe our outlook on life. Josh has obviously overcome whatever he's been through, but it's clear as day I have not. Yin and Yang. Darkness and Light. I was darkness and Josh is the light.

The scary thing about that is, even though it is light, every light casts a shadow. The bigger the light, the greater the shadow. I just hope that isn't the case this go around, but knowing my luck something will come up eventually.

"Tyler?" Josh said snapping me away from my mind's trap.

"Hm?" I said looking up in a daze.

"You okay?" he chuckled lowly. "You zoned out pretty hardcore."

"Oh, yeah. Just thinking." I replied honestly.

He nodded and sat down across from me with two plates for us to eat.

"Ya know something Josh?" I said after a while of eating. I was just going to say it because it's been driving me insane these past couple weeks.

"What's that, Tyler?" he asked echoing me.

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