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A/n: HERES THAT EXTRA CHAPTER YAY!! Song is Dizzy On the Comedown by Turnover go ahead and start! Edit: btw I had like no inspiration to write so I drove to the park and sat in my car in the dark hoping not to get stopped by a park ranger to write this on my phone which I usually don't write on mah phone. But yeah anything for you guys xD so sorry if there's mistakes I hate writing on my phone.


I ultimately decided to stop dreading the inevitable outcome and just enjoy what I have right now. It's not often you get a second chance with life and I wasn't planning on wasting it. I was going to make the most of it. Make the most of it with Tyler.

Tyler was sitting on the couch channel surfing and a small smirk rested on my lips. He seems like he'd be the kind to get flustered easily. Let's test that theory. Am I being a little shit? Yes I am.

I made my way into the living room and stood before him, but he kept his attention on the tv. I shrugged in my mind as I mentally said fuck it and I leaned over and sat on him straddling his hips he blinked a few times as a blush crept up on his usual pale face making it slightly red.

"W-what are you doing?" he asked timidly.

"Ya know.. I never got to officially ask you something." I said leaning in and whispering in his ear.

"Y-yeah? What might that be?" he asked hushed and I could feel him stiffen underneath me which brought a smirk to my face.

I kissed right under his ear where his jawline meets his neck and I chuckled internally as he tilted it to the side for better access and closed his eyes.

I brought my lips back up to his ear and whispered, "For you to be my boyfriend." I continued to trail light kisses down his neck stopping occasionally to suck and nip at the skin causing him to shiver underneath me.

"I thought we already established that." he whispered back and brought one of his hands up and intertwined his fingers in my hair.

"Yeah, but now it can be official. Tyler will you be my boyfriend?" I asked pulling back to look at him.

"Of course, Josh." Tyler smiled.

I leaned in and kissed him roughly on the lips, he still had his hand in my hair so he held me in place as he kissed me back. Why did I wait so long to do this?

Our lips parted as they moved together like puzzle pieces that were meant to fit together. I moved us so that we were laying down on the couch and I was on top of him straddling still. I tugged on the hem of his shirt and he let me take it off of him. I tossed it away and took mine off as well and discarded it to the side. I leaned back in and began trailing kisses down his neck and to his chest.

"God, you're so beautiful." I breathed out and he had his hands roaming on my chest as he stared in awe.

I brought my lips back down to his passionately and he wrapped his arms around my neck to pull me in tighter as our bare chests were touching. I brought my hands down to the hem of his pants and tugged slightly.

"S-stop being such a tease." he breathed out which made me chuckle some as I unbuttoned his jeans he lifted up so I could take them off and he did the same to mine.

I trailed more kisses down his chest and stomach kissing each scar as I did until I reached the hem of his boxers and I stopped and sat up. His face of pleasure turned into one of confusion.

"Why'd you stop?" he asked with furrowed brows.

"Well, would you look at the time. You have to go to work." I grinned and he deadpanned at me.

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