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((Song is Such Great Heights by Iron and Wine go ahead and start it naow. here's today's update (really early) so I can update that extra chapter later xD i've been really busy. anywho enjoy c: ))


"Tyler," Josh started, "I have to tell you something."

My smile immediately dropped as I furrowed my brows towards Josh in concern.

"Y-yeah Josh?" I asked nervously. He seemed stressed and it worried me about what he was going to say. What if he says he had to leave or something what if I've done something?

"Okay.. Uhm, this might be dangerous to say.. For reasons you won't understand yet, but.." he let out a long breath and I tensed up as I listened. "I- I really like you Tyler.. A lot more than I can even admit. More than I should within the small time we've known each other.. Which is why I'm totally okay with you not feeling the same. It'd probably be best that way-"

"Josh." I said cutting him off with a relieved laugh. "It's okay."

"Oh. It is?"

"Mhmm." I hummed in agreement. "Wanna know why?"

"Why?" He asked immediately.

"Because.. I may or may not like you, too." I giggled lightly.

"Really?" He asked perking up slightly.

"Yeah." I nodded slowly.

"You're being serious?"

"Yes, Josh." I laughed. "I should be the one asking you if you're being serious. I mean.. I'm me and you're you."

"I'm nothing special, Tyler, but you.. You're precious." he said hushed.

I smiled at the blue haired boy. "You're definitely something special, Josh. If you haven't noticed, you kinda saved my life.. I mean.. You've shown me that things aren't so bad, ya know? I couldn't of gotten to where I am now without you. I'm starting to see the light in this overwhelming darkness and it's thanks to you Josh. I'm finding my way again."

Josh smiled widely at me. "That's.. That's great Tyler.. I appreciate that, but.. " he stopped to shake his head. "Yeah.. Thank you." he laughed sheepishly.

"Since when do you get all nervous, huh?" I giggled and nudged him slightly.

"Since I just told the guy I've only known for a month that I liked him." he chuckled out, but he didn't seem to relax physically.

"Hey, it's okay." I said reassuringly. "Nothing has to change, we already act like we're a couple anyway, I guess."

He laughed some. "Yeah, I guess that's true."

I leaned in some and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Everything is okay. It's perfect actually."

I scooted over so that I was sitting beside him and rested my head on his shoulder as usual. Josh nodded and started the movie and wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his head on top of mine.

I can't believe that just happened and I acted so cool about it! Right now I'm actually freaking out on the inside. Josh just said he liked me! I mean I guess I really already knew that, but I also thought maybe he was just an affectionate person and wasn't bothered by personal bubbles or whatever.

That doesn't matter.

Josh likes me, guys.. Do you hear that?! JOSH likes ME! Was it really noticeable? What do you think? This is good right? It's not moving too quickly right? I can't even wrap my head around it..

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