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Hours later, the sun slowly began to rise, although the windowless room remained dark. Drayce slept uncomfortably on his knees, his arms above his head.

The door was thrown open and Scarlett strode into the room, waking the sleeping Travis. Seeing Scarlett, Travis straightened and tried to look awake.

Scarlett looked at Travis with an annoyed expression, "Sleeping on duty?" She asked, already knowing the answer. Travis said nothing and stared straight ahead. Scarlett rolled her eyes and walked over to Drayce, "Sleep well?" She asked sarcastically.

He looked up at her groggily, "Yes...so well. L-like a baby." He imitated her tone.

"Glad to hear that." She studied him for a few seconds before speaking again, "And your legs are probably feeling fantastic." She added.

Drayce cringed slightly, but tried to hide it, "Yah...fantastic." He spat back.

Scarlett smirked, "I know you are in pain. You can't hide that from me. Now," she walked over to the table that she had taken the infection gun from. Several other weapons were splayed across it and Scarlett picked one up, "Let's try this again. How did you become this way?"

Drayce narrowed his eyes, but remained silent.

She walked over to him, "It isn't too late to give you the antidote for your legs."

Still, he stayed silent.

Scarlett's eyebrows knit together, "Why do you have to conceal this simple question? It seems that you are very persistent in not telling us, telling us that it's important that it's a secret."

"I already told you." Drayce sighed, "Why exactly should I tell you that? I can't assume that you will use the information for good. Do you think I'm an idiot?" Abruptly, a burning pain radiated through his legs. His face scrunched up and he clenched his teeth.

A small smile crept onto Scarlett's face. Revealing the knife in her hand, Scarlett said, "This knife will cause even more pain. It is rusty and dirty, but it will still cut, with particles of rust and dirt falling into the wound."

Drayce closed his eyes slowly, his face paling, "Please...I-" he stop speaking, realizing he was starting to break.

Scarlett's expression softened and she knelt down, touching his cheek softly, "It's okay." She said gently, "I understand the pain you're going through. I've been there."

He recoiled from her touch, slightly shocked, "W-what?"

Scarlett looked down, "It's true." She said sadly, "Clev shot me himself."

"He did? Why?"

"At that time I wasn't with them. I was caught trying to steal something from them. Clev showed me my fault in going against him." She closed her eyes, as if feeling the pain from that time.

Drayce was surprised, "I'm sorry..." He trailed off, considering her words.

She smiled slightly and looked up at Drayce. "Maybe I can release you..." She whispered.

Drayce's eyes widened, hardly believing her words, "R-really?"

She nodded, "I have Clev's complete trust."


Scarlett stood up, "I'll try."

Travis stared, astonished at how Scarlett changed in the past minute. He decided to tell Clev about Scarlett's betrayal.

On her way out, Scarlett slightly motioned for Travis to follow her. Warily, he complied, standing a few feet away from her.

When they were out of the room, Scarlett spoke, "I suppose you think I'm a traitor, huh?"

Travis' eyes narrowed.

Scarlett sighed exasperatedly, "You idiot, I'm not betraying you! Or Clev for that matter." She added.

Travis gave her an are-you-serious look, "Then what was all that 'I'm going to release you' business?"

"Seriously, Travis, if I was going to release him I would've taken you out first and killed you! I could take you out easily." Scarlett rolled her eyes, "I'm going to gain his trust. And then get answers." She smiled wickedly.

Travis shook his head. Scarlett was a cruel woman, he reflected.

"Now go back in there and guard him. Just act natural." Scarlett ordered. Using her walkie-talkie, she contacted Clev, "Clev, are you there?"

A staticky voice responded soon after on the walkie-talkie, "Clev here. What is it?"

"I think I may be able to get some answers. I'm on my way to gaining his trust, I think. I told him that I could help him escape. My plan is, I'll help him 'escape', but he will get caught by some of your men, who are waiting." Scarlett explained, "We just need to make sure that the men don't look like they were expecting him. They need to look a little surprised."

"Sounds like it might work. Go ahead. You have my permission." With that, Clev signed off. Scarlett nodded in satisfaction and walked back to her quarters to rest.


Hey hey hey!!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter all! As usual;) And don't forget to let me know what you thought!

Ithildae and Evara

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