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After several minutes of silence, the door opened to emit a guard, looking a little nervous and carrying a tray with bread and water.

He walked in a few feet to place the tray down on the floor. Scarlett slipped behind him, quickly ripping a small piece of fabric off of her already ruined shirt, and stuck it so that the door could not close all the way. The guard turned around to leave, and paled as he saw Scarlett blocking his way.

"Out of the way, prisoner." He ordered, holding on to a thread of confidence.

Scarlett smiled, and stepped out of the way. 

Nervously, the guard began to walk to the door, and Scarlett made her move.

She lunged at the guard, throwing a right-hand punch at him. It made solid impact with his right shoulder and he staggered sideways. He turned to face Scarlett, rubbing his shoulder, and glaring at her.

"You'll pay for that." He scowled.

"Actually, I don't think so." Scarlett smiled cockily. Knowing her time was limited, she advanced again, more cautiously this time.

The guard smirked and started to pull a gun out from his holster. He never got it completely out, though, as Scarlett leaped at him again, throwing a punch at his jaw.

He sidestepped quickly, avoiding the blow, and threw his own punch at Scarlett. If she had been in her full health, she would have easily avoided it, but as it was, she just barely ducked under it. Not giving him time to react, Scarlett did an upper cut punch to his stomach. He groaned as it made impact, and staggered backwards. Using the upper hand she had gained, Scarlett quickly sent a punch to his head, knocking him out.

She glanced at Drayce, "I need to get the keys. I'll be right back."

"No. Just get out...of here." He ordered her.

"I'm coming back." Scarlett said determinedly and then left the room, leaving the door open.

Twenty or more minutes later, Scarlett came back, blood smeared on her right arm. She held the keys up, smiling, "Got them. Now let's get you out of here."

Swiftly, she went over to Drayce, reaching up and unlocking his hands.

As soon as they were freed, he collapsed to the ground, groaning.

"Can you walk?" Scarlett asked hopefully, knowing she was too weak to carry him.

Drayce lifted himself partially off the ground and clutched his stomach before answering, "I...don't think so."

Scarlett bit her lip, "Even if I helped?"

Drayce took in a deep breath and slowly let it out, "I'll try, Scarlett." He whispered, voice laced with pain.

Scarlett offered her hand to help him up.

He took it, but used his own strength to climb to his feet.

"Lean on me. I'll take us to the nearest exit." Scarlett propped her arm under Drayce's.

He shifted his weight to her arm as they slowly made their way out of the room. Drayce flinched as he took each step but didn't make a sound.

As they passed out of the door, Scarlett closed it, automatically locking it. She guided them, going towards the closest exit. After what seemed like forever to them, the exit was in sight.

"We're almost there!" Scarlett told him excitedly.

And then Clev came walking out from a corner in front of them. He froze when he saw them before recovering his senses and pulling his holstered gun, "How did you two get out?" He demanded, aiming his pistol straight at them.

Scarlett's heart sank. They were so close!


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Ithildae and Evara

Scarlett - Evara
Drayce - Ithildae
Clev - Ithildae

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