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"What do you want?" Scarlett ground out.

Clev ignored her and barked out orders to his men, "Move them to cell 103 and 104." He ordered. The men advanced with their weapons, ushering for Scarlett and Drayce to come forward.

Frustrated, but outnumbered, Scarlett had to comply, stepping forward along with Drayce who walked a bit slower.

The guards grabbed onto their arms and pulled them out of the room roughly. They dragged the prisoners along the dimly lit hallway at a brisk pace until they came upon two doors.

After opening one door, they pulled Drayce and Scarlett inside while several guards remained outside of the small room. The room was empty except for a set of chains hanging from the ceiling.

Drayce visibly gulped and unconsciously jerked away from his guards who held him tightly.

"This is where you'll be staying." Clev said to Drayce, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Of course, not until we give you what you deserve." He was now fully smirking as he turned to Scarlett. "And you will get to watch every beautiful thing that happens."

"You're a monster." Scarlett ground out.

"You are no better, Scarlett." Clev retorted. Then he looked away from her and at his men, "Chain him up nice and tight." He ordered.

Scarlett struggled against the guards, slamming her heel down on one of their feet. The guard momentarily loosened his grip on Scarlett, and she jerked her arm out of his grasp. She grabbed her gun, firing at Clev.

Clev cursed and stumbled backwards, clutching his shoulder. He glared at Scarlett as she was tackled by one of the guards and her gun was taken away. "Help me up." Clev ordered harshly to one of the men. They pulled him up while another guard pulled off his own shirt and pressed it against Clev's wound. Clev narrowed his eyes at Scarlett who was now secured between two guards that held her in bone-crunching grips. "How dare you." He growled out, pain lacing his voice. "Search her. Thoroughly." The men did as ordered and quickly confiscated Scarlett's items. The syringes, bullets, and all other miscellaneous items.

When they were finished, Clev said, "If you try to do something stupid like that again, I will kill your boyfriend." He gestured to Drayce who had been watching, horrified.

"He's not my boyfriend." Scarlett protested, "And if I get the chance I'll kill you."

"Well you won't, so give it up." Clev snorted and then became serious, "Secure him. Now." The guards who already held onto Drayce pulled him into the middle of the room, right beneath the chains. Drayce struggled, even though his attempts were futile and weak. The men had also brought a stool with them and one stood on it, grabbing hold of the metal and pulling it lower.

After they hooked each metal band around his wrists, they secured them back to the ceiling so Drayce was barely touching the ground on the balls of his feet. Having his arms above his head stretched and pulled at his ribs and bullet wound, aggravating them excessively to the point where they began to bleed again.

Clev stalked over to him and pulled at the bandages around Drayce's middle. Soon they were off and he flung them to the ground. "Wow...Scarlett really did a number on you, didn't she..." He mused.

"Put the bandages back on, Clev." Scarlett growled.

"No. I don't think I will." Clev smiled at her, "But I will let you tell me what to do now...as in what should I do to the mutant first?"

Drayce cringed as Clev said the word 'mutant.'

"Well first you can let him go free." Scarlett answered sarcastically.

Clev chuckled humorlessly, "Oh my...you are quite the clown. But if you choose not to be any fun, I guess I'll have to choose. I can think up plenty of fun things to do."

"What do you even need from him?" Scarlett asked angrily, "You told me you don't need him anymore!"

"Oh I don't. I have absolutely no need for him accept for entertainment. Which, my dear girl, means I can kill him anytime." Clev ended with a smirk.

"You're sick." Scarlett muttered quietly.

"Mm hmm, sure. So are you sure you don't want to decide what I'll do to him?" Clev asked, glancing at Drayce who had his eyes clamped shut tightly. "If not, then I'll do it."

"So you want me to tell you how to torture him?" Scarlett asked incredulously.

"I thought you might want to...since you already did a fine job on him." Clev said, acting like he was doing Scarlett a favor.

"So if I tell you what to do to him, you'll let him go?"

"No, but it may be more...merciful that what I would choose to do."

Scarlett bit her lip, "Fine." She ground out.

"Scarlett...no." Drayce whispered, speaking as loudly as he could.

"You want him to torture you?" Scarlett asked softly.

Clev's eyebrow quirked and he lightly kicked at Drayce's feet. But it was enough to make them slip and cause Drayce to put his weight all on his arms. A small cry escaped his lips as he fumbled to get his feet back up.

"No talking." Clev muttered to Drayce and turning to Scarlett he said, "You have ten seconds."


Hope you are enjoying! Thanks for reading :-)

Ithildae and Evara

Scarlett - Evara
Drayce - Ithildae
Clev - Ithildae

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