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Scarlett raised an eyebrow, "Wow. How defying." She stood up from her chair and walked over to him. Drayce clenched his fists, causing the chains to clank and shift a bit as he continued to glare at her. Scarlett rolled her eyes. Grabbing the I.V. needle, she found a vein and injected it again. Scarlett strode over to a table, grabbed some duct tape and walked back over. Ripping a piece of tape off, Scarlett pressed it over where the needle went into Drayce's skin. Drayce huffed in frustration and lashed out at Scarlett, hooking his leg under hers and causing her to fall. "Take it out!" He yelled. Scarlett rolled to one side and stood up, the fall barely fazing her. She walked deliberately over to him again and almost casually threw a hard punch to his jaw. His head swung back and he let out a grunt. With some effort, he lifted it back up and moved his jaw back and forth, wincing slightly. All the while, still glaring at her spitefully.

"That's what you get for trying to resist." Scarlett spoke slowly, eyes narrowed.

"That's it?" Drayce taunted, "I guess I shouldn't expect much more from a girl." He raised an eyebrow in a mock expression.

"You really want to do this?" Scarlett smiled humorlessly.

"I'm not afraid of you. You're just a pawn to whoever you work for." He kept his face impassive, even though his body and mind were screaming for him to shut up.

Scarlett eyed him for a few seconds, before throwing a lightning-fast punch to Drayce's stomach. "Fortunately, Clev said he just needs you alive. He didn't say anything about what condition you needed to be in, though."

Drayce grunted and squeezed his eyes shut in response, still managing a comeback, "Really? Not...bad."

"Oh, I'm just getting started." Another punch, this time to Drayce's nose. 

Instantly, blood began pouring out of it again and he coughed several times as it got in his mouth. "I'm still not...sorry." He wheezed.

Scarlett barked a short laugh, "Well, that's not bad for me, now is it? Really, the only one you're hurting right now is yourself."

Drayce didn't answer, his breathing coming in short and shallow. He made a choking sound as he spit out even more blood from his nose to speak, "It...doesn't hurt too bad to get hit by a girl."

"You really don't want to be saying that." Scarlett crouched down to Drayce's eye level, "You really are stupid."

"Why? Are you afraid...I'm right?" He managed a cocky smirk, but it quickly turned to a grimace.

That goaded Scarlett even more. She slammed a fist into his stomach, putting all her power into it. A sickening crunch sounded, "Oh dear." Scarlett feigned wide-eyed concern, "Did my weak girly punch break something in your frail body?"

Drayce couldn't help it. Against his will, he cried out, panting heavily.

"That's a big sound of pain." Scarlett eyed him, "I guess it did hurt, didn't it?"

"N-not...too bad." He spit out, gasping for breath as his chest heaved painfully.

"Well, unfortunately, I can't kill you." Scarlett rolled her eyes, "And now I have to help you get better." She stood up and went over to a table to get some water and bandages.

Drayce coughed once to clear his throat, his breath still coming in raspy and shallow. As he breathed in, a sickening grinding sound came from his ribs, like they were rubbing together. He bit back a cry and hung his head, staying quiet.

"Now I have to fix this." Scarlett muttered. She walked back to Drayce, carrying bandages. Kneeling in front of him, she said sharply, "Look here. I have to fix your ribs now, so any struggling will make it worse for you. Understand?"

"Don't touch me." He spit out.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Serious? Do I have to knock you out?"

"I'm fine. You don't need to...fix me." He cringed slightly as he spoke.

"Well, I probably should. Wouldn't want the broken ribs to puncture anything important." Scarlett said sarcastically.

"Fine. I'll cooperate if you take out the I.V."

Scarlett rolled her eyes, "All right." Grabbing the needle, she slid it out.

"Thanks." Drayce muttered.

Setting the needle down, Scarlett drew her dagger from a sheath around her waist and cut Drayce's blood stained shirt away. Piling it on the floor, Scarlett proded Drayce's ribs, trying to find which one was broken. He jerked a bit when her cold fingers touched his bare stomach, but true to his word he didn't resist.

Finding which one was broken, Scarlett bit her lip and tried to move the rib back in place, failing due to the skin and cartilage. Drayce let out a low hiss of pain.

"Great," Scarlett muttered. "I have to cut you open to move your rib," She told Drayce bluntly, "Are you going to cooperate or do I have to put you to sleep?"

"Cut me open?" Drayce asked apprehensively, "Um..." He stared at her with wide eyes.

"To put your rib back in place." Scarlett explained impatiently.

"O-okay." He agreed hesitantly.

Scarlett grabbed her walkie talkie from off her belt, and spoke into it, "Clev, this is Scarlett. Send Travis here as soon as you can."

After a moment, the device crackled with static and Clev's voice came through, "Fine. He'll be there in minute."

Scarlett turned off her walkie talkie and leaned against a nearby wall to wait for Travis.

She didn't have to wait long, however, and soon the sliding open opened. Travis ambled inside and scratched his chin.

"What do you need now, Scarlett?" He asked icily.

Scarlett eyed him for a second, "Do I need to teach you a lesson? Again?"

He sighed, glancing back towards the door once, "N-no...no, I'm here to help." He bit out, feeling as if the words tasted like vinegar.

Scarlett smiled coldly, "That's good. Now," she pulled a pistol out from a holster on her hip and handed it to him, "The prisoner needed to be...put in his place, let's say, so he was taught a lesson. But now I need to keep him alive because Clev said so. This pistol is to teach him a lesson in case he gets rebellious."

Nodding slowly, Travis cocked the pistol and held it loosely in his right hand.

Drayce narrowed his eyes at Travis and the gun. He sucked in a breath, returning his expression to one of disinterest.

Scarlett walked deliberately over to him, "Hear that? Before you get any ideas, remember that he will have a gun. You try anything funny, and we both will not hesitate to shoot. Understand?"

With pursed lips, Drayce managed a slight nod. However, in his mind, he was prepared to fight. To escape or die trying


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Ithildae and Evara

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