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Scarlett turned slowly to look at Drayce, who was lying on the bed. After looking over him, seeing exactly how bad the injuries were, she plunked into a nearby chair. She covered her face with her hands and began to sob quietly, tears flowing freely.

"Are...you...okay?" Drayce said quietly, having just woken up.

Scarlett's head snapped up, "I'm fine." She bit her lip, "How are you feeling?"

He let out a long breath, "Honestly, not too great."

"I'm sorry." She said quietly.

"Hey, don't. Don't...apologize. Y-you saved...me."

"But everything that happened to you was my fault!" Scarlett looked back down at her hands, "All of your injuries are because of me!" She sighed and closed her eyes, tears squeezing out from the corners.

"Scarlett–" Drayce leaned over and coughed loudly, clutching his chest as he did so. Scarlett bit her lip, feeling both helpless and worthless.

Just then, a nurse walked into the room and over to the bed. She grabbed a plastic tray for Drayce to cough into and held it for him, waiting for the coughing spell to end.

Once he got it under control, the nurse set the tray down and checked the stats on the various machines plugged into the young man.

"Do you need anything?" She asked once she was done.

Drayce was laying back on the bed, his eyes closed. He shook his head wearily.

"Can I get you anything, Ma'm?"

Mutely, Scarlett shook her head, staring off. The nurse hurried off and left the two alone again.

After a couple of minutes, Drayce's breathing became slightly labored. He wheezed, the oxygen tube across his nose not seeming to help. Quickly, Scarlett stood up, concerned, "Nurse!" She called out, surveying Drayce and trying to see what was wrong. His breathing was now jagged and uneven, his face turning a bit blue.

Seconds later, the nurse hurried in and took in the scene. She reacted quickly and pushed a button on the wall.

"Code blue!" She yelled towards the door.

A bunch of technicians, nurses, and the doctor rushed in hailing machines and such.

Drayce had stopped breathing altogether and was now lying limply on the bed.

Everyone scattered around him, a nurse pushing Scarlett back. They hooked up some machines, everyone working quickly.

'No...' Scarlett felt panic rising in her chest, 'He has to make it!'

They wheeled his bed out of the room quickly, the horde of people following around and behind it. Scarlett hurried to follow. They came around a corner and wheeled the bed into the operating room. Once again, a nurse stopped Scarlett from going inside.

"Please," Scarlett begged once again.

"I'm sorry, you can't go inside. Just go back to the room. Someone will come speak with you shortly," she said sympathetically.

Scarlett sighed and turned around, walking slowly back to the room. Exhausted both mentally and physically, she sank into a chair.

She waited there quietly for several hours without news until until finally, the same doctor approached her. She quickly stood up, worry evident in her eyes, waiting for the news.

"He's alive," the doctor said right away, "But his lung had failed again. We did our best to repair it, but only time will tell."

"Can I see him?"

"We'll bring him in soon, but right now he's in recovery. His body is very weak," he answered.

Scarlett nodded mutely, "He's been through a lot." She said quietly.

The doctor didn't respond. He stared at Scarlett quietly for a moment before nodding once. "I will check on him periodically."

Not long after, Drayce's bed was wheeled back into the room. The nurse locked the wheels and left after making sure Scarlett didn't need anything either.

If it was at all possible, Drayce looked even worse. His face was discolored, different shades of blue and purple. Now, he had even more machines hooked up to his body and more wires poking and sticking out of him. He was awake, but seemed mildly disorientated.

Scarlett walked slowly over to him and looked at his face. She felt a deep emotion well up inside of her and driven by impulse gently touched his cheek with her hand, "Drayce." She said quietly, then stopped, wondering if she should take the plunge. After a moment's hesitation, she threw caution to the wind and continued, "I love you." She said simply, adding quickly, "Although if you don't love me back, I understand perfectly. I was awful to you, and..." She stopped, choking up with tears, and pulled her hand away.

Drayce stared at her and his eyes widened slightly. He didn't move or speak and the only sounds in the room were the many machines whirring around them.

Finally, Drayce swallowed and struggled to speak, "I...d-don't...unders-stand..."

"I don't either." Scarlett looked away.

Drayce slowly drew his eyes towards the far wall, speaking softly, "Oh."

Feeling awkward, Scarlett turned around and started walking back to her chair. "Wait," Drayce reached out and grabbed her arm. Scarlett turned around, a questioning and slightly hopeful expression on her face.

"I...I honestly don't k-know..." Drayce spoke slowly with a lot of effort, "how...you could l-love me." He finished, watching her. He pulled her closer gently and rolled a strand of her hair between his fingers. Scarlett gazed into his eyes, a small smile gracing her lips. He stared at the hair in his hand intently. Then slowly, very slowly, he lifted his hand up and pulled Scarlett head towards his own. He kissed her lightly, gently; almost as if he were worried to hurt her. Then he let go, breaking the kiss. Scarlett breathed in deeply, happiness welling up inside of her. Drayce dropped his hand, having used up his energy. His breathing evened out and he closed his eyes. Still smiling, Scarlett returned to her seat to let him rest, 'Perhaps things will work out after all.'


And here it is! The double update just like I promised you :) And because you are such awesome readers, I'm going to give you a TRIPLE UPDATE!!!!!! Yusssss.

Ithildae and Evara

Scarlett - Evara
Drayce - Ithildae
Doctor - Ithildae
Nurse - Ithildae

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