Chapter 7

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So I would just like to say I’m really, really, really, really sorry that I haven't updated in about a month! It's been one of the craziest months of my life with school so I have had no time to do anything! Anyways, it's currently one in the morning so sorry if this is kind of rough. Thank you for being so patient. I LOVE YOU GUYS <3 <3 <3

I walked back downstairs to the party, still amazed at what had just happened a few moments ago. I don't know what it was about Luke that made me so crazy. I had only known him for a couple days and I just talked to him for the first time tonight, yet he seemed totally repulsed just from the thought of me. I have a feeling that's what drives me so crazy, considering I’m a huge people pleaser. Never in my life have I met someone who hated me for no reason, and for the most part I have gotten along with everyone I met. Maybe I was meant to meet Luke to realize that not everyone in life is going to like me, and that I just have to deal with that concept. Then again, he did say he wanted to be friends, and despite the lack of emotion in his tone, I felt that he really might mean it. Either that or he just was saying it to get me to stop asking why he wouldn't kiss me. It stung to think about that again. 

As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I heard a name call out to me. 

"Emily! Emily is that you?" I turned around, only to find a drunk Hayley stumbling my way. 

"Whoa there" I laughed. "Let's get you home before you start puking. I'm not in the mood to hold anyone’s hair back tonight."

Hayley gave me an apologetic smile, and I held her hand, making sure she stayed with me as I tried to find Sam and Hanna. Luckily, I ran into Michael, who was hand in hand with Hanna by the DJ. 

"Hey guys!" I shouted, walking towards them. I was happy to see that they both seemed sober. 

"Hey Em! What's up?"

"I was just thinking we should start heading out. It's already 2:30!" 

"Don't be silly" Michael chimed in. "You guys can crash here."

"But we don't have anything packed for the night." Hanna replied, expressing my exact thoughts.

"You guys can just borrow our clothes, it's fine." Michael smiled. "We also have extra toothbrushes and towels and stuff if you guys wanna shower."

"You're a saint." I said, as I gave Michael a hug.

"Which rooms are we sleeping in?" Hanna asked. 

"You can sleep in mine." Michael smirked at Hanna. She blushed, and placed her head on his shoulder. They were officially my new favorite couple.

"And for the rest of us?" I laughed. 

"Well, Hayley is drunk, and I know for a fact Sam is too, considering I just saw her no less than 10 minutes ago stumbling to the bathroom. One can sleep in Calums room, and one Ashtons, considering Luke is probably going to want nothing to do with 2 drunken girls, and Ashton and Calum will do their best to stay with them and make sure they are okay. Luke also likes to go to bed early. I'm assuming you're tired as well, Emily, so you can stay with him in his room. He has an extra bed. The rooms here are massive." Michael stated.

My stomach dropped. I knew Luke wasn't going to want me to stay in his room. He may have said that we're friends, but this would just be pushing it. If it were up to him, I'm sure he would take a drunk Hayley or Sam over me any day. 

"Oh...uhm....I mean could I just sleep on a couch downstairs?" I asked.

Michael gave me a puzzled look. "I don't advise it, especially considering the cleaning lady doesn't come until the morning". I almost forgot that they were famous and cleaning ladies were the norm. I feel bad for the poor lady who has to clean everything up.

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