Once.. Long long ago.. A brave.. Handsome.. Strong.. Short.. And very brave man lived.. He was a great warlord from across the great plains and mountains.. He was so great.. And brave.. And handsome.. And short.. And so very very brave.. And he had over 16 million warriors.. All of whome fight for justice.. Happiness and goodness.. All of them scattered across this amazing world.. One amazing weekend he went across the great mountains and plains to visit his followers and warriors in the ancient city if Boston-topia.. He faced many trials.. And he learned the power of lasers and other cool stuff like that.. But when the time finally came for him to return to his castle and his kingdom.. An ice witch cast her spell to keep him there for all eternity.... And now he sits for all eternity in in his battle armor.. Waiting to return home to his home....
Wherefore art thou, Markiplier, whither t appeareth that the cold winter snow hath gotten the best of thee, that thy hair is not able to fluff itself into its lascivious, extravagant, boastful pile of beauty and instead becameth a solid want of hue and a want of grandiloquence. Coequal worse, thee art standing out in the freezing cold, trying to bethink "warm thoughts", at which hour the true Markiplier I knoweth would beest wrestling with the Abominable Snowman in all his manliness. Thee may beest short, but thou art forsooth no craven!
Cringy Crap
De TodoMy cancerous shit If anyone doesn't like it, whatever, I don't give a frag ¯\_(ツ)_/¯