Holy shit..
Holy shit..
Holy shit..
Holy shit..
I refound this..
After so long..
My childhood..
Loved this song..
So much..
Holy shit..
I have tried..
And tried..
And tried..
Ta remember this song..
So many times..
Fer years..
And my friend finally told me the name..
After she sang part of the beat quietly..
Hoolly shhiiit..
I'm happy..
I now know the name of that damn song..
That's been in my mind since I was like five/six..
That never had a name..
Until now..
Have song..
It good song..
Good music..
Some good shit..
Cringy Crap
RandomMy cancerous shit If anyone doesn't like it, whatever, I don't give a frag ¯\_(ツ)_/¯