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This is a poem I got from a friend..

Depression is a war.

It's a war in your mind that not just anyone can see.

It's hidden behind what look like calm eyes.

Little does everyone know that,
every thought is a bullet to the head.

Every movement is a punch to the stomach.

Every word is a stab to the heart.
No one realizes that depression is a theft.

It steals everything you once had.

Your happiness.

Your hope.

Your faith.

Your dreams.


Everything left behind are the things that kept you trapped.

Depression is a murderer.

It killed the person I used to be.

I look in the mirror and all I see is a shell of a human in front of me.

Depression is a zombie.

You're alive but dead somehow at the same time.

You can't keep track of what's going on around you.

The world seems to be spinning around you as you slowly walk through time.

Depression is a nightmare.

You wake up in a hell.

You are afraid to move.

Afraid to breathe.

You are afraid of living.

Everything seems so impossible to bear.

Depression is an ocean.

A sea of emotions.

It will pull you under.

You are drowning everyday.

However you are never saved.

Depression is a bottomless pit.

Never ending pain.

Never ending struggles.

There is no light.

There is only darkness.

There is no escape.

Depression is a war.

A constant battle within your head.

I think I might surrender because I've had about enough.

Depression is a war.

You either win or die trying.

I'm sorry to say but I think it's safe to say I'm already dead.

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