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Hey guys!
A couple of quick notes before this properly begins.
1) In this story you are an Australian that went to america for pax south. This is purely bc it is easier for me to write with the metric system and such. And maybe you get to experience a taste of being an Aussie. 2)The reader is also female, again, purely because it's easier for me
3) this is my first Ethan fanfic and my first fanfic in a while so bare with me
4) I don't know how frequently I will update but I will try to update often
5) I myself am Australian and have to google stuff about Boston so anything that isn't 100% accurate lemme know and I will change it but keep in mind this is apocalypse so I'm allowed a little creative license
6) if you enjoy it, VOTE! SHARE! INTERACT!
7) check out my other stuff over on my profile if you want short story type things

-Trash Can

My Angel among the Damned (CrankGamePlays X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now