Chapter 12

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The sounds of people talking and the smell of something delicious drags your attention away from your odd conversation with Mark about the working scientific reasoning of genetically modifying people with the DNA of a squirrel and a dolphin to make the perfect space-human. (i dont even know).

"Hey Mark! Y/N" You and Mark turn to see Amy precariously balancing a tray of food on one arm and waving the other in the air. Mark gives a light chuckle and you turn to see him with the perfect heart-eyes-howell recreation. [You feel your little fangirl heart explode and you struggle to resist the urge to squeal]. You and Mark walk over to the table Amy is standing next to and see that Tyler is already sitting there, along with Kathryn, Ethan, Ian and Pamela.

"Um, where do we get food from?" You awkwardly ask, shifting from foot to foot.

"I can show you if you want?" You look over to see Ethan beginning to stand.

"Oh, okay, thanks." You smile.

Ethan leads you to a bench with short metal walls on them, piles of trays and plates next to buckets of cutlery on the far right.

Both you and Ethan grab a tray, a plate and cutlery and make you way down the line, accepting food from the servers behind the benches. You answer their questions about who you are and the broken arm while Ethan keeps an eye on you, ensuring you don't drop your tray.

You grab a glass from the end of the benches and fill it with water, then place the glass on Ethan's tray, just in case.

You look at your tray to see a steak next to mashed potato. Your stomach grumbles from just looking at the marvellously cooked food in front of you, much better than the beans and wild fruits you had been living off for oh so long.

Just as you and Ethan are about to make it to the table, you take a deep breath and wait for the onslaught of questions.


Whoop whoop new update guys!!

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