Chapter 10

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Inside sat a burly man with greying hair. Old, but not elderly. He had an air of authority and a body that had faded scars and muscle tone that showed a former life of hard work.

Yet, once you make eye contact, he offers a broad smile and stands, holding out a hand over the dark, wooden desk sitting in the centre of the white room.

Tyler nudges you lightly in the side for taking too long. You carefully approach the man's extended hand. You hold your's out and shake hands. He gives a hum of approval and sits down, motioning for you to sit and for Tyler to leave.

Tyler's footsteps quietly echo behind you just before the door quietly shuts and the room returns to silence.

You take the silence to look around the room.

The simple, white walls had no decorations, no window outside. The fest in the middle had nothing more than a simple desk lamp, some paperwork and pens. Behind the man in front of you, stood a tall, dark bookshelf, completely filled with various books. Then, in either corner behind him say two floor lamps, giving off a warm, yellow glow. The room felt both welcoming and empty. Like it had been decorated for use but it never had a proper owner to personalise the room with photos or paintings or plants.

"So," the man across from you begins, "as you have probably been  told, my name is Tim and I run this place. I haven't been told much about you other than you are a survivor and were found by our Alpha Scavengers. I have also been told you have a broken arm from..." Tim glances at his notes in front of him, "falling from a tree?" You blush and nod, realising just how stupid that sounds. "Good. I have also been told that something odd happened before you passed out and were bought in, yes?" You nod before realising that he wants you to tell him what happened.

"Oh! Sorry. Basically, I heard a horde this morning and ran. Heard your 'alpha' team of whatever and though there was a horse in front of me as well so I climbed the tree. Branch broke. I fell. Arm broke. Walked with them and as we were about to get to this very warehouse, more zombies. One grabbed Holly. I recognised the zombie and a friend of mine who got killed. She killed Holly while stopping other zombies from coming forward to me because I was frozen in complete shock. Holly collapsed dead. I ran inside. I passed out." You finish retelling what had happened that morning while Tim nodded along, occasionally jotting down notes.

Once again, the pair of you lapse into silence as Tim reads over his notes, occasionally crossing things out or adding more.

"Alright," he begins again suddenly, startling you, "next I need your name, age and other information that you believe necessary in order for me to trust you and allow you to stay, if you do wish." You quickly telling him the information he asked for, telling him about your kill count, both zombie, at 153, and human, at one, as well as how long you have been on your own and that you were originally from Australia, coming to Boston for PAX before making your way to LA during the apocalypse. Again, Tim nods along with your story, writing down any information he deems important enough.

After finishing, you take a deep, shuddered breath and await his final word on whether you were able to stay, or if you had to go.

And you have a feeling that 'going' wouldn't mean walking free.

That it would mean a bullet between the eyes.

Phew. Just made schedule.

Thank you guys so so much for all the votes and adding this story to reading lists, it means so much to me that you guys are enjoying the book.

I'm honestly astonished at how many reads this book has with only 10 chapters (nearly 500!) and I never though that my book, written because I was bored and there wasn't enough CrankGamePlays on Wattpad, would ever get this many reads in a million years. Thank you.

Don't forget people in San Francisco, Ethan has a meet and greet with Andrew, his fellow member of the Trash Goblin podcast, this Sunday! (In not sure the details bc I live in Australia soz)

As always, vote, comment and share and STAY CRANKY!

-Trash Can

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