Chapter 8

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You slowly wake up, listening to the voices whispering around you.

There seem to be three people in the room with you, talking in hushed whispers about God knows what. Keeping your eyes closed, you try to push back the memories of the last thing you saw.

Blaire, your friend, biting and killing Alyssa. Keeping the horde away from you.

You move slightly on the thin cushioning beneath you and feel a small pinch in the inside of your left elbow and you cringe slightly, knowing that it was probably an IV needle stuck in your arm.

You slowly peel your eyes open and groan at the bright light. Someone rushes over to you and starts checking your IV and pulse. Carefully turning, you see a head of brown hair leaning over you. She looks up and offers you a warm smile. Amy. You look behind her to see Tyler and Kathryn have stopped talking and are looking at you cautiously.

"How are you feeling?" Amy asks in a gentle voice.

"As," You cringe slightly at a headache that ripples through your brain, "good as I can be I guess." Amy gives a slight chuckle before nodding slowly, looking deep in thought. She moves away to write something on a clipboard and Kathryn steps forward, holding a glass of water and a box of ibuprofen while you shuffle into a sitting position. She hands you the glass and two tablets. As you swallow the medicine, Amy begins to talk again.

"So, Y/N? Tyler told us that was your name." You nod, confirming your name. "OK, Y/N, after you passed out you were brought up here by Mark. Tyler told us what we needed medically but you need to see Tim - who's in charge of this place - exactly what happened in regards to the zombies and, of course, who you are if you wish to stay. Make sense?" You nod along carefully, showing your understanding. "Good. Now that you are awake, before you see Tim, Kathryn," she gestures towards Kathryn, "is going to give you a general medical examination so we can fill out a file for you."

The next 20 minutes are spent having light shined in your eye, knees hit with the mini hammer thing, blood tests, height and weight measured, and having a stethoscope pressed on your back. All the while Amy is writing down all different numbers and measurements.

"So!" Tyler exclaims loudly when Kathryn and Amy go over to what appears to be their desk. "Off to Tim!"

"Shhh." You groan, holding your head.

"Sorry. Sorry." He says, much quieter. You thank him, then follow him out the door.


So, that was kind of a filler chapter but Amy and Kathryn are in the story!!

I know this chapter is short but I have like, three assignments to do (that I have been procrastinating. whoops) so yeah...

It has also been a little little while since I have updated and I was starting to feel bad.

Chapters will get longer and better I promise.

On a different note, I AM NOW 16 WTF! My birthday was the 12th and Girbeagly wished me a happy birthday on twitter. I was v happy, to say the least.

AND my Markiplier Charity shirt came yesterday and I am currently wearing it while writing this. I love it so much TBH.

Well, that dragged on a bit, didn't it? Sorry.

Anyway guys, until next chapter,

EDIT: So I'm 17 now. Have been for a good few months. 

-Trash Can

My Angel among the Damned (CrankGamePlays X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now