Chapter 2

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It takes you a few moments to register that the sounds you heard are in fact, living, breathing, non-zombied humans.

You haven't been around others in so long and you want to call their attention and hope they save you. But you know that you can't for two reasons. One, it would also get the zombies' attentions; and two, the last people you were around tried to kill you.


The sound of people talking within the dimly lit house echo through the silent air.

First thought, food.

It had been months since you had eaten something more than mouldy bread - it lasted you a long time, but after months of the same mould, it gets rather boring - so the idea of being able to get something as simple as soup seemed appealing.

Walking towards the house cautiously as possible, you tried to hear what was happening inside.

You could tell that everyone inside was drunk - their words slurred - but you could also smell food.

Walking to the front door, a step made a creaking noise under your foot, you froze and the noise inside abruptly ended.

"You hear that, Matt?" A male voice asked from inside.

"Yeah. Sounds like we have a sneak." A quieter, still masculine voice replied.

Suddenly, a rough hand wrapped around your mouth from behind.

You tried to scream but you ended up with a mouthful of cloth.

"Got her, Nick!" The man holding you yelled right beside your ear.

"Did you say 'her', Jeremy?" Another gruff voice yelled back with curiosity.

"Yep!" Jeremy yelled back proudly. The way he held pride in his voice disgusted you and you wanted to fight back - you tried to fight back - but you were malnourished and fatigued and in no shape to fight.

You were dragged inside, kicking the entire way, and a dark haired man took you off Jeremy and tied you to a chair.

"I'm so sorry about them." He whispered in your ear as he tied the ropes.

"What the fuck is taking so long Thomas." 'A man yelled at him.

"So sorry. If you wanted it done quickly but have shitty knots you should have told me. Making sure she won't run takes time fuckwit." Thomas snapped back.

You stifled a nostalgic giggle because the way these men - although they seemed to be the same age as you - bantered reminded you of friends from home.

A man with shoulder length, curly red-blonde hair that reminded you of a mop glared at you, but you could see he was suppressing a smirk.

"I'm baaack!" a voice sounded, "and I come baring-" he cut himself off when he saw you tied to a chair in what you could only assume to be their living room. "Well hello." He said in what was probably supposed to be flirtatious, leaning towards you slightly, but just ended up sounding perverted, causing you to throw up a little in your mouth.

"Back off Josh." The man who you assumed to be Thomas said darkly.

"Ooooh. Someone's defensive." 'Josh' replied causing Thomas to clench his fists.

"Calm down, guys." Mop said, settling his friends. "What are we gonna do with her." He said, motioning his thumb towards you.

Suddenly, the five of them were stood in front of you, watching you.

My Angel among the Damned (CrankGamePlays X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now