Chapter 2: Platform 9 3/4? Where?

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The late afternoon sun hung low in the sky as Harry and Hagrid and I made our way back down Diagon Alley more likely Hagrid pushed us through the crowd, back through the wall, back to the Leaky Cauldron. Harry and I didn't speak at all as we walked down the road; we didn't even notice how much people were gawking at us on the Underground, laden as we were with all our funny-shaped packages, with the snowy owl asleep in its cage on Harry's lap and a black cat in mine. Up another escalator, out into Paddington station; we only realised where they were when Hagrid tapped us on the shoulder.

"Yer two are act'in funny,"Hagrid says concern evident in his voice. "Whots yer matter?"

Harry and I catch each other's eye and we come to a silent agreement not to tell Hagrid anything.

"No, it's just us being excited to finally be going to Hogwarts," I say smacking on a fake smile and cheery voice hoping to throw him off track.

True enough he buys it.

"O'gwarts sure knows how ter make yer nervous. Everyone starts at the beginning at Hogwarts, you'll be just fine. just be yerselfves. Don't ya worry yer lit'l e'rdes bout it." Digging through his overcoat he pulls out two yellowing envelopes and passes one to each of us.

"E're's yer ticket fer Hogwarts, " he said. "First o' September -- King's Cross -- it's all on yer ticket."

With that Harry and I are pushed on to our respective trains to go back to our families.


The one month that I have left with my Aunt and Uncle is a very uneventful one, with my Uncle giving me sad looks and my aunt refusing to talk to me, I can safely say that this is one of the most solemn farewells anyone has ever had. Keeping to my room, with a black cat for company. I decide to call her Augusta after the enchantress in Beauty and the Beast. My school books are very interesting. I lie in bed reading late into the night, Augusta creeping and prying around the house as she pleased.

I am lucky that Aunt Annie doesn't come into my room to vacuum anymore because Augusta keeps bringing back dead mice and from where I have no wish to know. Every night before I go to sleep, I always tick off another day on the calendar, a new found habit of mine, which is pinned to the wall, counting down to September the first.

On the day before I am due to leave, I pluck up some courage to ask my Uncle to drive me to Kings Cross station in London where I will be boarding the train to Hogwarts. I clear my throat during dinner and ask in what I hope is a polite manner, my aunt immediately stomps her foot obviously irritated, storms off to the kitchen.

"Of course, dear. I wouldn't miss it for the world. My beautiful niece going off to boarding school. Something a father doesn't want to miss," He says to me once my aunt is out of earshot. Grinning, I go into the kitchen and find my aunt sobbing over the stove.

"I'm so sorry, Bethanie...I tried...," She weeps, gripping the counter so hard her knuckles turn white. Bethanie is my mum, she and my Dad died when I was a baby, murdered by the man Hagrid and Mr Ollivander referred to as You-Know-Who otherwise known as Lord Voldemort who also gave Harry his scar.

"Auntie, I want to go.'s not your fault...don't cry..." I mumble, patting her back. To say I am shocked when she turned around to hug me is an understatement.

"If anything and I mean anything goes wrong, come home." And with those words we reconciled and she helped me pack the last things for the train.

Waking up at four the next day, I felt too excited to go back to sleep, dressing in the white long sleeved shirt, the plaited skirt, black socks and shoes. I tie back my straight brown hair into a loose bun, rolling up the sleeves to the elbows reminding myself that I have to put them down when I wear my witch robes later on the train. Checking once again that I have everything packed and ready for Hogwarts, I make breakfast in order not to waste any time when aunt Annie and Uncle Jim wake up.

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