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    "Bailey! It's so great to see you!"

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"Bailey! It's so great to see you!"

I stand in the doorway as Jody greets me, and I wish she would let me go indoors first, where it is probably much warmer than it is out here.

"So, another vamp nest, huh?" she asks, and finally pulls the door open, giving me room to step inside before she closes it again. I give her a short nod and wipe the bottom of my boots off.

"Yep, you know I can't get enough," I say, tone slightly grim. I don't mean for it to come out like that, it just does. I can't help it, I'm tired and cranky, and sleeping in that dingy motel room did not help me at all.

    "I was just getting started on breakfast, you feel like giving me a hand?" Jody asks sweetly as she heads for the kitchen. I really just want to go back to sleep but I don't have the heart to tell her no. Besides, Jody is a great cook.

    "So, how are the girls?" I ask as I find the silverware and plates and lay them out on the table. "Staying out of trouble?"

    "Well, Alex is doing really good," she begins, cracking an egg against the edge of the pan. "She's got a boyfriend, she's on the soccer team, she's enjoying school."

    "That's good," I smile softly. "What about Claire?"

    "What about Claire?" I turn around to see the blonde girl approaching the kitchen, raising her eyebrows at us in question. Guess she heard some of our conversation.

    "Just wondering how you're doing," I say. She raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest, giving me a disbelieving look as she leans against the door frame.

    "Yeah," she stretches the word out. "So, why are you here?" Jody gives the girl a scolding look at her rude attitude but I don't mind at all. I'm used to it. "Because of the monsters?"

    "What?" I say quickly, turning to Jody for confirmation. I had no idea there was a case here. Jody would tell me, wouldn't she?

    "No, it's—" she sets down the spatula on the counter and turns to look at Claire. "There aren't any monsters here, Claire."

    "Yes there are," the blonde replies, matter-of-factly, before picking a piece of bacon off the plate and biting into it -and then going to the table and sitting down. "Just because you haven't seen any doesn't mean they're aren't any.."

    Jody opens her mouth to say something, but immediately closes it again. She brings her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose. She's obviously stressed out. Claire has a neutral expression on her face as she chows on the slice of bacon.

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