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    "A fake address, too?" I say as we walk back to the Impala, after embarrassing ourselves by showing up at what we thought was Mr

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    "A fake address, too?" I say as we walk back to the Impala, after embarrassing ourselves by showing up at what we thought was Mr. Weiler's house, but actually wasn't. "I'm loving this guy." Before they reply, Dean's phone begins to ring in his pocket.

    He pulls it out and answers it, pressing it to his ear. "Hey, what's up?" Pause. "Jody?" Even from my distance, I can hear sounds of struggling coming from the other end of the line, unmistakably the sheriff.

    After Dean hangs up and we get in the car, he hightails it out of there so fast, I'm afraid we're going to crash before we get back to Jody's.

    But as we pull up into the driveway, the garage door is opened up, revealing her car still sitting there, but her and Claire are no where to be found.

    We get out of the Impala and Sam pulls me into the house with him to look for the girls, and Dean goes to the garage.

    With the cool metal of my gun pressed into my hand, I cautiously check the rooms upstairs for Jody and Claire while Sam checks downstairs. After a thorough sweep and finding nothing, I go back downstairs to meet up with Sam.

    "Nothing?" He says as I come down the stairs.

    I shake my head, "No." By the crestfallen look on his face, he hasn't found anything either, and we step back out to the garage to tell Dean, who hasn't found them either.

    He holds a bloody knife out to Sam.

    "It's Claire's knife," I realize as the younger Winchester turns the metal over in his hands.

    "So, whatever it was, it was lying in wait for them when they left," Sam says. Dean's phone suddenly begins to ring in his pocket again. I half expect it to be Jody or Claire calling, but when he answers the phone "Agent Noon", I know I'm wrong.

    "No, I have not seen the sheriff, either," he says to the person on the other line. "I'd be happy to pass on the information." He turns back to Sam, "I'm just here with my partner. What do you got?" He pauses a moment, listening. "They identified the custodian," he says to Sam. "A Richard Beesom. He's a trucker out of O'Neill, Nebraska. He's been missing for three years."

    "Thank you," Dean says, taking his cell away from his ear and ending the call, before looking up at Sam and I. "His family was found exsanguinated, throats ripped out."

    "He's a vampire?"

    "Yeah." Sam's eyebrows pinch together in thought. My head is pounding, I am in no mood to kill more vamps, not when I just cleaned a nest out a week ago.

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