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    Late in the night, I fell asleep, eyes droopy from lack of sleep and brain fried from all the research. Castiel had dug up a lot of lore and objects and came to us the previous night. All the crap is now lying on the table. Sam and I went through it already, neither of us could make any sense of it. It is all pre-biblical lore. Half of it was in Aramaic, and the other half was all gibberish to me.

    When I open my eyes, my head is on the table, a bit of drool coming out of my mouth. I cringe and pick up my head, wiping my mouth. I blink and realize that I'm still in the same spot I was in last night, but Sam is no longer sitting across from me.

    My eyebrows crease in confusion at the flannel draped over my shoulders. I recognize it as the one that Sam was wearing last night. Maybe after I fell asleep, he put it around me to keep me warm.

    I smile and take the shirt with me back to my room, setting it on the edge of the bed before changing my clothes and brushing my hair and teeth.

    Then, I make my way through the bunker, eyeing the rooms for Sam or Dean. I stop in front of a large room, the one where all the lore is that Cas collected. Sam and Dean are standing at the table, backs to me. I can see that Dean has his phone in his hand.

    "Morning," I announce myself. The boys turn to me. "What's going on?" I say to the looks on their faces.

    Dean taps his phone against his hand. "Got a case. Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Meet at the car in ten."

    I raise my eyebrows but say nothing as Dean leaves the room. He doesn't seem as pissed as he was last night, which I'm glad for. I give Sam a curious look before walking back to my room, loading up my things into a duffel bag and heading towards the car.

    The ride to Cottage Grove is mostly quiet except for the low hum of the radio. I manage to catch a little nap on the way, but before I know it, I'm brought back to consciousness when the Impala halts to a stop.

    I had already changed into my work clothes, meaning a pair of black pants and a suit, but for a girl. Sam and Dean are also wearing their suits.

    We step out of the car and walk up to the Sheriff's office. When we step inside, we come to a desk with a blonde woman in a sheriff's uniform standing behind it, flipping through a folder. Sam told me that this is Donna Hanscum. They met her a couple years ago, while working a case, and she even helped them with one a year ago.

    "Sheriff," Sam says, announcing our presence. "Hey."

    Donna turns around and grins, setting the folder down and approaching the two. "You two are a sight for sore eyes!" She exclaims, wrapping an arm around each of them and hugging them tightly. They seem surprised. I smile a little. "And you. You're Bailey, right?"

    I nod and give her another little smile. "Nice to meetch ya," she smiles and sticks her hand out to me. I hold out my own hand and she grasps it, shaking it hard. "I'm Donna Hanscum."

    I laugh a little, taken back by the rough handshake, but enjoying her attitude. "I know."

    "You working all ten thousand lakes now?" Dean asks as Donna releases my hand. "This isn't usually you're beat."

    "Just Larsen County," the Sheriff replies. Dean nods. "What with the cutbacks and all... For the most part, been tater tots and lemon drops except for this doozy. I mean, when you get a call about a killer Easter Bunny, you don't know what to think."

    "Well, you think crazy," Dean says.

    "Guy's real strong, too," Donna says. "Lashed out at several officers. Took a whole team just to get him into custody." I raise my eyebrows. "But that's not the weirdest part." She moves her head closer to us. "Bunny head won't come off." 

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