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    Someone is shaking me. I slowly open my eyes to see Sam's blurry form in front of me, looking at me with a worried expression. I blink a few times before sitting up, realizing that I'm lying in the back seat of the Impala. Sam is in the passenger seat, but Dean seems to be absent. The sky is black outside, stars littering across it like a canvas. How long have I been out?

    "Yeah— I'm up," I mutter, rubbing my eyes.

    "You okay?" He asks. I nod, realizing that we are parked in front of the Bunker already. "You were out for a couple hours. I think you're alright, though."

    Dean is not in the driver's seat, he must have already went inside.

    "She got away?" I say, more of a statement than a question. Sam sighs and nods. I don't miss the expression on his face, the one mixed with shame and worry. "It's okay, we'll get more chances."

    "Yeah," Sam says. "Let's go inside." He pushes the passenger door open and climbs out, and I do the same, following him inside the bunker and down the stairs. The way Sam walks, slightly sulking, makes my heart sink. I wish we could have come back with a win.

    Dean is standing next the giant table in the bunker, the one with the map on it. A man stands on the other side of Dean, looking distressed. He is wearing a trench coat.

    "Look, Cas, I'm as glad as anyone that Stella got her groove back, okay?" Dean is saying. So, this is the angel. Castiel. "But you let Metatron go?"

    "Dean," Castiel says, "how many times are you going to repeat that question?"

    "I'm going to say it again!" Dean says angrily. "You let Metatron go!"

    "Who's Metatron?" I cut in.

    "He's the scribe of God," Castiel says. "Who are you?" He looks confused at my presence.

   "Hey, I'm talking here!" Dean says, getting Castiel's attention again. "You let Metatron go!"

    "He's not going anywhere," Cas says. "If he makes a move, if he draws the slightest attention, the full force of angel-kind will snuff him out." Dean rests his hands on the back of two chairs, looking disbelieving. "Look, you... you didn't see him. He is a human. And a pitiable one at that. He's not a threat to us." Dean is shaking his head. "Look, I mean, I put him in traction."

    "Guys, bigger fish to fry here," Sam interrupts. "Amara is in the wind."

    "Yeah, God's freaking sister," Dean mumbles.

    "You said you were close, Dean," Castiel says. "How'd she get away?"

    "I'm sorry, what part of "God's freaking sister" do you not understand?" Dean snaps. "She overpowered me. End of story."

   Cas cocks his head, as if he doesn't fully believe what Dean is saying. If I'm being honest, I'm not sure I do either.

    "What's our plan here, guys?" Dean says sharply. "You said you got everything you could out of Metatron, right?" He says to Cas. "So, where on Earth are we gonna find an answer on how to stop her?"

    No one says anything.

    Dean turns to Sam. "I don't suppose God's decided to share any wisdom on the matter?"

    Sam looks a little shocked to hear this. However, he only says, "I'll look into the lore," roughly before walking away.

I shoot Dean a glare before walking away.

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