✨The End✨

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🖤Kirito's POV🖤

'Where am I?' I questioned myself as I walked around, I was still in SAO but how I died? I was still in my black leather coat and boots with my black cotton pants and shirt. The ground was invisible all I could see was endless sky and nothing more. I was looking out for a few more minutes at the forever lasting sunset till I turned around and saw someone I thought I would never see again...(U/N).

🔥3rd Person🔥

"Kirito!" The teenage girl yelled at the boy who looked extremely shocked seeing her standing there. She ran towards him at the speed of light tears in her eyes and she hugged him to death. He hugged back with a small smile on his face, the girl started speaking to him in a excited but shocked manor as well seeing that he was still alive. "K-Kirito I thought I would n-never see you again...", tears were streaming down her face as she was crying into his shirt, her fists are clenching his shirt as she wails for she knows this survival game is finally over. He hugged her back rubbing circles when another figure appeared looking into the forever lasting sunset with a peaceful look on his face. This man was the creator of Sword Art Online his name was Akihiko Kayaba. Kirito and (U/N) finally noticed him standing there and they stopped hugging looking at him with eyes filled with an unknown emotion. They held hands and stood up straight ready to face whatever came but they weren't prepared for what they were going to hear. "(U/N), Kirito good job on clearing the game." The man had told them with the same peaceful look on his face.

✨(U/N)'s POV✨

"(U/N), Kirito good job on clearing the game." As those words left his mouth my eyes widen but I quickly put a small smile on my face. "Thank you, but one question Kayaba." He looked slightly down at me and replied. "Yes Midnight Dream?" I took a deep breath and asked "Is everyone safe...?" He thought for a moment before replying. "Yes everyone who survived SAO has been released, but the others who died in game are dead IRL as well." My expression darkened a little 'so I wasn't able to save Asuna and other people I knew after all...' Kirito still was going on strong and started confronting Kayaba with many questions but the most important one of all was "Akihiko Kayaba, why did you do all this?" He looked back to Aincrad which was slowly falling apart and replied with "I don't remember why I did all this..." I looked at him with slight confusion, I mean who wouldn't remember something like that. "When I was a little boy I remember always day dreaming about a ruby castle forever floating in the sky for infinity..." He said after a minute or two after the last remark he made. "I have always wanted that to come true, that ruby castle floating in the sky so I made it happen with the Cardinal, and Aincrad. I had made that dream a reality with Sword Art Online..." we kept looking at him as he spoke these truthful words while he still looked at Aincrad in its last stages of destruction, we looked down at Aincrad as well, we looked closer and saw our log cabin on floor 22 falling apart before our very own eyes. "Kirito and (U/N) I want you to have something of mine to remeber me by. This is the world seed, this is to make servers and worlds for virtual reality. You can do whatever you want with it, but if you still crave the virtual world then use it for what it is meant for.." we nodded our heads as he told us this, he told us to cup our hands together and he handed us it. "It should automatically be stored in your nerve gear Kirito." Kirito nodded his head again, "Kayaba from how you are sounding and telling us...are you going to commit suicide?" I asked my voice cracking a bit. "He looked back at us again and nodded his head. "The nerve gear is going to fry my brain once Aincrad is fully deleted which should be in 10 minutes tops." My eyes held tears in my eyes as my lip started trembling for I was holding back tears. "Kirito, (U/N) this isn't goodbye though we will meet again someday in that ruby castle floating in the sky..." I nodded my head but Kirito did nothing. I waved goodbye as Kayaba slowly disappears leaving us alone to watch Aincrad fall apart. We sat down and looked down at the destruction. "Ya know (U/N) I never got to know your name..." Kirito said as he looked at me his onyx orbs shining. I smiled a small tint of crimson on my (s/c) cheeks. "Well Mr. Kiri my real name is (L/N) (Y/N) and I just turned 16 7 months ago!" I told him he smiled back at my enthusiasm and spoke back. "Nice to meet you (Y/N) my name is Kirigaya Kazuto and I also turned 16 2 months ago." I smirked, "Oh is that so? Well I guess I'm the older person in the relationship then.~" He looked at me shocked. "W-Well I'm taller!" He yelled, "Aww Kiri is Jealo- Mfmm!" His lips were on top of mine, I sunk into the kiss as Aincrad finished up its final stage of destruction and the endless sky around us started turning white as well as us. We broke apart and I heard a slight whisper before waking up...he said I will always love you (Y/N)...

🖤Kazuto's POV🖤

My eyes flickered open for the first time in 2 years. I looked around and could see I was in a small hospital room, it smelled like disinfectant and you could feel the chills of the room. I got up and pulled the helmet off, black locks surrounded my head as my now long hair fell. I started pulling the electrodes off my arms and steadied myself as I stood up and held onto the IV stand to keep my balance. The door was slightly opened and the hallways were empty, but only one thing was stuck in my mind. To be with (Y/N). I was mumbling her name while walking down the halls as I started feeling weaker and weaker until I reached a nurse.

✨(Y/N)'s POV✨

I woke up for the first time, I took a deep breath for the first time while awake for a long time. The air was knocked out of me when my sister Claire started hugging me. "(Y/N) YOU'RE AWAKE! MOM GET THE DOCTOR IN HERE!!" She released me and started crying tears of joy. I took the helmet off and saw my hair grew past my waste and saw I had grown very pale. My sister who was younger by 2 years looked better than me, that lucky girl I wish I could look like her right now... the doctor and my mom came rushing back in along with a nurse. I smiled while the tears started to fall down my face. 'We did it Kazuto..we really have left the death game for sure' we all hugged and the doctor said I could leave in a week once I got better and can walk.


"IM WHAT?" I yelled at my mom who looked surprised as well. "Yes (Y/N) you are ***********" she looked serious but I'm not sure a lot can happen in 2 years. "Mom are you serious or are you playing with me?" She then had a small frown on her face. "No (Y/N) I'm not kidding." I jumped up slightly in my bed and squealed. "I can't believe it! I can't believe it!" Mom's frown then turned to one of Joy and Claire, Mom, and I all hugged each other with joy.

I'm finally out of the hospital and I will attend the school for SAO survivors soon in December. I've also found the whereabouts of some of my friends but not Kazuto yet... But I will find you Kazuto, someday we will reunite in the real world and fall in love all over again. We will live our lives together and get married and have a family like back in SAO I promise, because I want to meet you and become your best friend and lover all over again. I don't care what it takes we'll meet again no matter what it takes because I want to see the person who stole my heart. I love you Kazuto and always will, so please try to find me too so we can meet again in the real world to be together once again!


I had finally finished this book, I can't believe it. I have been having a hard time so far in 2017 so seeing you guys commenting sweet and amazing things to make me feel happy when I was down or sick. I thank  you all for that! This book has been something that was fun for me to do for the past year I believe. I just can't believe I am saying that we are about to reach 8k! I never thought that any of my books would reach over 100 reads. Wow I've improved so much over the past year with writing because of this. Anyway I'm sorry I've put this on hold for awhile I've had huge writers block and I haven't been able to update ANY of my books... So I'm really sorry for that, but the good thing is that there will be a sequel coming soon I'm just not sure when. I have to edit and rewrite this some cause my cringy writing isn't really cutting it for some of you peeps out there. So this is the end of Why Me? I hope you like how it ended but I kinda wish WATTPAD DIDNT DELETE SOME WRITING HGNN! So now I had to rewrite some parts god dammit Wattpad why you do dis. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the story as much as I have comment your favorite moment or anything you loved about this book down below!
Till next time~
~Lucy Elric✨

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