4 - Laps and Blitz Juice

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  That plus a very giggly costar seems to equal a very long day

"I'm sorry I had to laugh during that shoot," Dorothy apologized.

She explained on then about how she couldn't stop giggling why she was sitting on my lap, and she couldn't tell me why she was giggling so hard because it would be embarrassing. The fact that she thought the reason would be embarrassing says wonders.

"Okay, I don't want to know," I spoke back. It was extra late now because we took an extra two hours, and the sun was setting. The light hit the parking lot perfectly, and our shadows were colliding on the pavement.

I tried to unlock my car door as she talked to me. A big smile plastered on her face.

"You even got Carol to leave early." Realizing my car door was locked, and shuffled for the keys in my pockets, which were being more increasingly hard to find lately.

"Yeah," Her eyes got big and bright. "That's a record!" She exclaimed. She sat into her bike and grabbed her helmet.

I still couldn't find my keys, so I just gave up for a moment. I leaned against my car, holding my hands behind my back, hoping that Dorothy wouldn't realize that I lost my keys.

"Oh I need to ask you one more thing." Dorothy held out her hand, which her motorbike keys were in because she could actually find her keys. "There is a Halloween party that Kendall throws."

"Oh" I started to get excited. I had never really been invited to an actual party, and I wasn't sure I wanted to go to this one if Kendall was throwing it.

"Yeah it's not that great," Dorothy's expression for dismal too as she rained on my parade. "He couldn't do much before, but now because he lost his parole and paid his fine, he can actually rent a place!" Dorothy got excited again.

"And-?" Not really expecting an answer. When people say something to me, it's because they want to talk to someone who won't interrupt their stories. Which means when I'm confused I don't get elaboration.

"And I want you to come," She answered, actually elaborating. Actually answering the question I didn't expect to be answered. I didn't have a retort now!

"What?" I tried to answer, completely flabbergasted. How do I casually say yes about hanging out with her without screaming.

"Please say yes," She begged, grabbing my arms and shaking me. "I can't drink because I'm underage."

I shook my head. "I don't know-". I started to think about it more. I probably wouldn't be able to spend any time with Dorothy because she would just be worrying about Carol, and I didn't even know what you did at a party. "I mean I'm not really a party person-"

"-and that's why you have to come!" She interrupted. "I need someone to make fun of all the drunk people with me!"

My shoulders slouched, and I started to reach for my car door. "Oh." So that's why she wanted me to come. I could be her designated driver, and I was desperate enough to do it.

"I don't mean that I think your lame," she said quickly, trying to stop me before I opened my car door. "Not going to parties doesn't make you lame. I just want to hang out with you."

Now I might have been able to say no if she still didn't have a strong grip on my arms, and I was about willing to do anything to spend anytime with her. I mean anything!

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