10 - The Historical Event that Took Place On that Playground December 19, 2016

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WARNING: the beginning of this chapter contains the events that lead to Dorothy's backstory. It contains violence that could lead to sexual abuse, and the hinting of it possibly happening. If this may trigger you please don't read it. I don't want you anyone to get hurt. You can just skip that part to where the bold letter (like what I'm typing in right now) say the title of the chapter (the historical event that took place on that playground December 19, 2016).

Thank you.

June 26, 2012

     At the age of sixteen Dorothy was a completely different person than who we know today. She was not confident. She was not happy.

Which makes no sense because at fourteen she was just those things. She was happy. She was confident, and then she crumbled.

Just like me.

But this isn't about me. It's about Dorothy. How being a spontaneous teenager at sixteen was excuse enough for some kid to try to rape her, and how no one, not even herself, would try to help her.

She used to go to these after parties for school dances, for the same reason she goes to parties now. The atmosphere. The crazy people. She saw some otherworldliness in it. Lights of, music on, and anything was possible. Absolutely anyone.

Dorothy was dating this guy at the time. Blake. I fucking hate Blake.

    His name wasn't even Blake. It was actually Brandon, but he decided that his name couldn't mix with Brandon P. Brandon P. was a very nice kid who was part of the newspaper. Brandon P. tried to hard. So Brandon U. became Blake.

       Dorothy had expected a normal relationship from Blake. He played on the football team, he skated, and he could make good conversation about some of her favorite bands. She also shared her first kiss with Blake, and after they had that first kiss Blake announced that it was his third and she could "try better".

     Now that you have a rough idea who Blake is we can continue with the story.

    Dorothy really really liked Blake. He was her first serious relationship after all, and she had fallen head over heels for his barely growing in beard and shitty skinny jeans.

     She changed a lot for Blake. She stopped acting for awhile (it was to flashy). She wore more black (yellow was to blinding). She had almost pierced her ears, and almost started to smoke, and even started to seriously drink. She started a lot for Blake.

     And no matter what he always asked for more. He always needed more. She loved him right? She would give him more.

       He was older (18 to be exact). Older guys needed more.
       Dorothy spotted her boyfriend at this makeshift bar. By mixing all of the extra alcohol together you could make one mega drink, and the parents would never notice it was gone.

     At that point in her life Dorothy could drink a lot more than a fifteen year old should before she got buzzed.

     So she decided to get her first drink a little bit early. Maybe it wouldn't take as long this time.

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