12 - Vortexes, Pillars, and Bad Metabolisms

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    I hadn't really ever traveled somewhere for a show. I was never in a show that needed to travel somewhere or wanted to spend the money for it. Although Christine only wrote a Netflix show, she somehow got us on this trip.

   The first mistake was throwing us all in a different country.

   I was fairly used to France, Ireland, Scotland, and of course Britain. I had grown up in U.K. Though I don't know how that gave Dorothy the idea that I would be a perfect guide in Spain.

   I couldn't lead her down Southern Europe with the back of my hand. I didn't know how to speak Spanish other than the class I had to take in high school. What was a gondola?!

    "Do you want to go on one of those boat rides or something?" I asked.

   By the end of January Dorothy had been to my apartment three times and we had gone on four lunch dates. We were both sitting and waiting until one of us made it official, sort of like scared birds on a phone line.

   Now we were sitting in the airport, ready to throw myself into another country. Still something I didn't know if I could do. Something I didn't know what would lead to.

   "We're going to Spain. Gondolas are in Italy," She said, slightly laughing.

  Three months ago I would have been embarrassed. Three months ago I would have scrambled to save the conversation. That was three months ago.

   She crunched her legs on the blue airport seat. Her baggy jeans rode up against her hip, and I remember the revolutionary moment where she was comfortable enough to take her belt off after a big meal.

   Though it didn't take much for Dorothy to be comfortable. Three months ago on the other hand.....

    She leaned against the seat. "Shouldn't you know these things."


   She quirked her eyebrows at me.  "You lived in London, didn't you?"

    "Yes London, notice my pasty skin," I pulled up my sweater sleeve and pointed frankly to my forearm. "This is not a rich Spanish tan. This is from bad food and rainy weather."

   "I know about Canada and Mexico," She said. "And I learned that in elementary school so their is no excuse."

   "Europe is quiet a lot bigger than North America," I stated.

    Dorothy got bizarrely offended, but I was pretty sure she was joking. "Excuse me-"

   "It's the truth-"

   "We can fit like six Britain's in Texas." She said, casually wearing a wide smirk. "We have enough Twinkie's to overthrow you."

   I held my hands out in front of me to protect me from this onslaught. First off, I had no idea what a Twinkie was an what it had to do with overthrowing the British Parliament-. 

    Dorothy noticed the time start to go up. The minutes had been passing as we talked. We would need to leave soon for a whole different country, where she would be my closest companion.

   "So your fine with planes," Dorothy questioned. "Like should I have brought something. Maybe a pillow or -"

   "I'm gonna be okay," I said. I had traveled in and out of the country a lot during my middle school years. I was good with planes. "I knew about this before hand. I have mentally prepared myself for a flight."

Security had been easy. Everyone expected it to be easy, but I always assumed the worse. Like I would be taken away and thrown back to London, or Kendall would have a big block of cheese in his bag and they would think it was drugs.

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