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Isabella's POV

I woke up on my bed in a totally weird position, my legs on one side of the bed and my arms hanging off the other. I got up and saw I was wearing my clothes from yesterday, again.

I sighed as I started to walk towards my bathroom. That is, until, I spotted something on the ground. I immediately knelt down and picked it up. It was the two ripped pieces of my favorite picture of Phineas and I. I felt as though someone punched me in the gut.

"No. No no no no no no no..." I said, frantically looking for tape. "I can fix this. I can fix this. It's just one tear after all..."

I zipped around the house in search for tape, but found none.

"Great," I muttered under my breath.

I decided to go to the Flynn-Fletcher's house to ask if they had any. I still don't understand, to this day, why I didn't just go to the store...

I knocked on their door holding the ripped in my hands. As I waited for the door to open I stared at the two torn pieces of paper.

"I'm such a mess. I would never rip this..." I whispered to no one in particular.

I heard the door creak open. "Isabella?"

I glanced up and realized it was Phineas. I quickly brought my arms behind my back, clutching the picture in my hands.

"Oh, hey Phineas. I was wondering if you have some tape I could use?" I asked, feeling the emotions already starting to fill up the tub of my heart.

"Yeah I think so. But is-is that our picture behind your back?"

He said our picture. Our picture! It was too much.

I felt the emotions start to over flow and my eyes fill up with tears. I saw Phineas' eyes go wide and I immediately turned around and scurried away.

I heard Phineas calling my name, but I ignored his shouts as I ran into my house and shut the door. Isabella. Oh, pitiful Isabella can't ask Phineas for tape without bawling her little eyes out. I scolded myself.

I wiped away my tears.

"1, 2, 3, 4..5...6....7.....8....." I counted, taking deep breaths.

I've got to stop acting so weak and letting this crush I thought was gone take over me. My crush doesn't own me, I own my crush.

I looked back down at the picture, but decided to stop because it hurt to look at.

"You're not weak, you can do this..." I said to myself.

I decided to get tape from the store, which I should've done in the first place. After I did, I sat down at my desk.

I opened the new box of tape and ripped a piece off, placing it on top of my desk causing it hang over the edge. I gently picked up two pieces of the picture. Carefully, I made the pieces align perfectly and took the tape, placing it very carefully on top of the tear.

I sat back and stared at it. It's of him and I during one summer when, I think, we were all fifteen. I was making a goofy face while Phineas was laughing his head off.

I smiled. His laugh was the cutest. I loved how his hair swished when he moved and how he smiled every time he saw me. His smile made me beam just thinking about it.

I got up and went to the window, looking towards Phineas and Ferb's house. I tried to get a good look of the backyard when I saw Rebecca looking over Phineas' shoulder, who seemed to be working on something. There's that pang in the chest again. Shake it off Isabella, shake it off.

I glanced at a different spot in their backyard and immediately saw how many inventions were in the backyard. Why did Phineas make so many? Is he stress building? He always builds like crazy when he's stressed, it's kind of adorable. Wait...is he stress building because of me? No, he couldn't be. He's with Rebecca, I pondered.

I tried swallowing the knot that formed in my throat, though it was too big to get down.

I took a shower, put on my sweat pants, my over-sized pink sweatshirt, and my fuzzy socks. I made popcorn, turned on Netflix, and chose a show to watch. I grabbed my fuzzy blanket, clicked the play button on the remote, and sat back.

Even though I attempted to block it out, Phineas remained in the back of my mind the entire time I spent watching Netflix.

When was he ever not there?


Hey peeps!!!

Here's a new chapter for y'all. I hope you like it and tell me what you think.


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