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Detention was finlly over, i spent the whole 2 hours watching my kdrama, luckily i brought tissue papers, or it the detention room will become a river right about now. I rushed out of the room, in order not to miss out on my 13th anniversary with Sena, but only to be blocked by Mark. "Get out of the way, i'm in a rush." i tried to squeeze through him. To my surprise, he held my wrists and pushed me to a wall. I was trapped. "Let.. Go.." i said trying to free myself from his grip. His face got closer to mine as i breathed heavily, heart beat increasing rapidly. "Wh.. What are you doing?" "Oh, nothing much." he smirked. "Then let.. Go of me." i once again tried to free myself, but to no avail, his grip tightened on my wrists. I flinched.

I had no choice anymore. I kicked him in his stomach, making him bend down then i kneed him in the face, making him fall back. "I'm so sorry, but i had no choice." i smirked, then went home. "Y.. Yah." i ignored his call and went to Sena's house. On the way there, my mind kept going back to his face being inches away from mine. Get a hold of yourself KimJu! My mind shouted as i shook that thought away, then proceeded rushing to KimJu's house.

Ding dong. The door clicked open, revealing Sena's sleepy face. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Why're you so late. You're supposed to be released at 4 but its 5."

"Oh um.." i tried to think of an excuse. "Something just happened." she eyed me, sensing something suspicious but brushed it off. She moved out of the way and let me in.

I went up to my room, yes, i have my own room in her house, or should i say mansion. I took out the clothes that i left here, since i often come for sleepovers, and went for a nice hot shower and changed. I went downstairs and laid on a couch, being the lazy couch potato i am. "Kimmy, let's go." she said as she pulled me up. "Where to?" she smirked. "Secret." "Aww come on, you know i hate secrets." i rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever, let's go." she pulled my out her door and into her larmboghini. She then drove to who knows where. I connected my phone to the radio and played some of the musics that we like. Then we sang all the way to the secret location.

I slowly drifted away halfway while jamming to the song. "Kimmy-ah, we're here, wake up." someone whispered to my ear. "5 more minutes omma." "I'm not your omma, now wake up." i feel a strong tug on my left hand. "Okay okay i'm up." i groaned as i sat up. I squinted  my eyes due to the bright light. Wait.. This is.. "THE BEACH!" i sprang up and hit my head on the ceiling of the car. "Omo, are you okay?" Sena asked. "Yea i'm.." i looked up to see Sena rubbing her car. "Fine.." i rolled my eyes. "Wow, my best friend for thirteen years now only cares about her car and not her friend, how nice." i crossed my arms and sulked.

Sena laughed at my childishness and pulled my arm. "I was joking alright, now i bought you the bikini you always wanted." she cooed me as my eyes lit up. "Oh my god, thanks!" i hugged her tightly. "Now let's go change and play!"

We rushed in the changing room because the toilet was very disgusting, luckily it was not that crowded, so we could save time.

"Kyaaaaaa!" i shouted while running along the waters, the wind hitting my face, the waters lightly hitting my feet. This is the best feeling anyone could get.

Sena soon joined me as we laid down a peice of cloth on the floor, planning on having a picnic at the beach. She took out a basket and laid it on the cloth. She handed me a packet of orange juice and a sandwich. We happily munched on our snacks as we enjoyed the beautiful scenery. "Wahh, it feels like a date with a guy, just that you are not one." i said as i looked at Sena. "Yea, i knuow rwight." she said, mouth full. "Eat your food silly." i chuckled as i closed her mouth forcefully, making her glare at me, then we laughed.

I looked around and spotted a familiar couple , a bit too familiar.. I squinted my eyes, attempting to get a better look, nah, most probably just your imagination. I thought as continued muching on my food. Curiosity grew little by little. Aish, its killing me, i need to go get a better look. I got up in a hurry and ran towards the couple. "Where are you going!?" Sena asked. I turned around, "Just going to check on something, be back in a jiffy!" i shouted back as i turned back and continued running.

When i reached, i hid behind a rock and peeked a bit, the scene shocked me, well, not that much since it happened often, but it left my heart aching, just a bit, maybe not that little.
Mark was making out with Mitch.

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