Chapter 5

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It was silent for a few seconds. All I could see was pitch black. My feelings were all over the place. I was nervous, thrilled and scared. Christian, he just makes me feel some type of way. Sure, I know he might just be all about sex but he's also a caring and protective guy.
      I felt his lips touch my neck. I bent my neck backward a little to give him more space to move his lips as I bit my lip enjoying his gentle touch. Then I felt his strong arms wrapped around my waist. He moved his right hand downwards towards my sensitive spot and I gasped slightly as I felt his pointer finger twirl around inside and play with my clit. I gasped loudly and let out a moan as I finally realized I couldn't control the moans coming out my mouth. As he was moving his finger inside, I felt his lips suck the skin on my neck. I twisted my neck backwards and to the left, slowly closing my eyes. I moaned louder and louder as the movement of his finger inside me became more rough. He groaned against my neck which sent shivers down my spine because of how sexy that sounded.

"Fuck." I whispered, not realizing that I said it out loud.

I felt his lips pull into a smirk against my neck which made me blush. Then I felt his finger release from inside of me and his lips separated from my neck. He took the blindfold off and stood in front of me and stared into my eyes with a darker look than usual. He picked up the stick with the flat end and looked at my body up and down.

"This might hurt a little, princess. But this will teach you to not talk in my class while I'm talking." he winked. I looked down and blushed trying to hide the fact that I love it when he calls me princess and the way his voice changed into a more serious tone. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine before walking behind me.

I closed my eyes preparing for the stick which was almost about to meet my skin with force. Before I finished taking a deep breath, he spanked me. I gasped at the feeling. I pursed my lips into a line trying not to let any sounds come out my mouth. He spanked me a second time which let out a louder gasp since I wasn't prepared. He spanked me a third time but this time with more force and I let out a whimper as I dropped my head downwards trying to not look like I was in a bit of pain. I could tell he noticed my whimper as he dropped the stick and walked in front of me, holding my head up in his hands and looking straight into my eyes. I looked up at him and realized that my eyes were getting watery from the pain especially from the last spank.

"Okay I think that's enough." he said as he unhooked the chains from my wrists and ankles.

He kissed my lips gently as an apology for not realizing how hard he was spanking me but at the same time, I couldn't help that the spanking was also a decent feeling, I guess I enjoyed it in a way. The way his dominant side was taking over. God what am I saying?

      After putting on my undergarments, army crop top and my black skater skirt, I turned around to see that Christian was putting his clothes back on as well. He was wearing a black loose t-shirt and pair of dark blue jeans. Oh my god, he looked so good. I didn't realize I was staring at him for a while until he looked at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to put on my black combat boots.

      Then as I was about to say something, he was already behind me. I turned around to face his beautiful brown eyes. Our faces just a few inches away. He looked at my eyes then I saw them shift to my lips. Holy shit. I licked my lips because I could feel how dry they were and I didn't want him to be looking at my crusty ass lips. Ew why did I do that, I probably looked so stupid.

He laughed. Then he held his hand up to my face and rubbed his thumb over my lips gently.

"Your lips are beautiful." He said softly. In that moment I froze. I didn't know what to say.

"Thanks." I said awkwardly while looking up at his eyes. Oh my god what is wrong with me?

He laughed lightly and my cheeks started to get red and warm up. I'm so embarrassing oh my god. Then he pulled his hand away from my face and licked his thumb. What. The. Fuck. Wait why am I even freaking out, he's just a guy who's probably slept with tons of girls. I can't fall for his games or tricks.

Then he bit his lips and winked and then laughed walked out of the room. Seriously, he can't do that and leave me speechless then walk out of the room. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room as well to see him grabbing some groceries out of the fridge in the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I asked while sitting on one of the stools in front of  the island table.

"Cooking." He said in a not-a-big-deal tone. "You hungry? It's chicken and broccoli Alfredo. I made the sauce earlier. I just need to put in the rest of the ingredients."

I felt my stomach growl after hearing those words. God I love pasta but as much as I want to stay and eat it, I can't. My brother is probably already worried enough about me, if I don't come home, he'll probably try to look for me.

"I can't, I have to go home. I didn't go home this morning and my brother is probably really worried about me." I said putting on my jacket and getting ready to leave.

"Okay but wait. You should really try the Alfredo sauce, it tastes amazing made by yours truly." He said. I laughed a little.

"Okay sure." I walked to him and he grabbed a spoon and scooped some sauce. He fed it to me. It was delicious.

"Damn that's really good. I'm surprised you're actually good at something." I said jokingly.

He licked the spoon after I tasted the sauce.

"What do you mean? I'm good at fucking but you should've already known that." He said placing the spoon down and continuing to cook as if that sentence was a normal sentence. I stood there with a blank look and speechless. But I could feel my cheeks getting red.

He turned his head to look at me and laughed.

"Are you okay? It's been about a minute and you haven't moved or said anything." He said with a smirk.

Shit, have I been thinking that long?

"I'm fine. Bye asswad." I rolled my eyes and was starting to walk towards the door.

"Asswad?" Christian laughed.

"Yeah its a combination of asshole and dickwad. You should be honored that I actually took the time to make a nickname for you." I said while opening the door.

"Yeah okay. See you in English tomorrow, princess." He said just before I closed the door.
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in so long...I kind of forgot about this story tbh but I was also busy with school and other things going on in my life. But I have a lot of plans for this story in the upcoming chapters so hopefully I'll be able to work on the next chapter soon (: also thank you guys so much for 4K reads, that's crazy to me that so many people read my story, thank you for reading and voting!! Btw I made some changes to the previous chapters that might effect the story a little like I changed the main character's name, the college she goes to, some dialogue etc.

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