Chapter 5-What is real love?

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Hermione's POV

"Harry, he's been splinched. I don't know what went wrong. We were almost there, almost out." I was sobbing uncontrollably as I tended to Ron's arm. "This is going to sting, I know, I'm so sorry."

Ron was whimpering and groaning in pain and I couldn't stand to watch it. Once his arm was almost completely mended, I wrapped it and stood, wiping away my tears.

"Is he going to be alright?" Harry was quiet.

I nodded. "He should be. Go start on the tent, Harry. I will put up the protection enchantments."

I walked off, but I didn't miss the last thing Harry said. "Where am I supposed to find a tent?"


Fred's POV

It's been three months. I have barely eaten, and I knew my family was worried. My bracelet flashed at random points each day, but the last week, it has not been flashing as much. I'm worried that something is wrong, and the bracelet isn't letting me know.

I can't confide in my brother because he's just as worried about Belle as I am. She was his best friend after all.

He walked in to our room, a frown on his face. "What the bloody hell, Fred?"

I groaned as a hard object was thrown at my head. Rubbing the sore spot, I glared at my brother. "What are you talking about, George?"

George shook his head. "You are the biggest idiot of all time. Where's Belle, Fred? Any inkling what so ever? No? Huh, have you been looking?"

He was angry, I could tell. I just couldn't let him know about how I was handling this. "George, you just have to trust me on this. I know what I'm doing."

He laughed humorlessly. "Really? Not going to let your dear twin in on the plan? How very thoughtful of you."

He wouldn't understand. "George, you don't understand."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, of course. I've only been best friends with both of you idiots for seven years. I'm sure I wouldn't understand that Belle was stolen away by none other than the Malfoys and she's probably being tortured by the freaking dark lord. Let me help you...have you tried looking into the Malfoy Manor for her? Maybe start there...then see if you still can't trust me."

He walked out of our room, not allowing me to say anything. He was right though. Malfoy Manor was a good place to start.

Well, looks like I'm going to pay that little blonde ferret a visit.



Sorry this chapter is so short. It is just a filler. A little tension between our favorite twins, isn't there? ;) don't worry I won't make them angry for too long. Just enough to make my wonderful readers squirm. I love you guys so much, and thank you for continuing to show your support for my books! I hope you all love this book and I promise more is to come shortly!


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