Chapter 6-Holding my Own

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Draco's POV <-(NEW POV!)

It's been three months since Belle has been spelled by the Dark Lord. I was very happy that I was chosen to be the next Dark Lord, once our current Lord's biddings have been completed.

Right now I was listening to my father arguing with my mother about how I was not ready to take on this responsibility. I was hiding in the shadows right outside the kitchen.

I felt arms wrap around my waist. A soft purr in my ear as someone spoke. "Morning, my love."

I felt a shiver run through me as Belle continued whispering sweet nothings in my ear before she kisses my cheek.

If I'm to be honest, this spell has made Belle annoying. I missed her fighting back. I missed the sassy Belle that only wanted good for her and her friends. This Belle was just...wrong.

"Hello, Belle. You're up early." I turn around and take her hands in mine. "Maybe you should take a stroll in the garden, darling. It would be good for you to get some fresh air."

She grinned, squeezing my hand. "Look at you, always making sure I'm okay. I'll be back in a short while for breakfast." She kisses my cheek again before walking out the door into the garden.

As I moved to step into the kitchen, I heard a shout from the living quarters. I ran that way, hearing my parents come up behind me.

As I ran in to the living room, I froze, my heart stopping at the sight. There were death eaters all around shooting spells at a boy with flaming red hair. A boy I really wish I didn't recognize.

I ducked as someone fired a killing curse in my  direction, scowling as I met the eyes of Fred Weasley.

Dodging my Father, who had joined the fight, Fred stormed towards me. I glanced over my shoulder toward the back door, praying Belle wouldn't walk in on this mess.

"Where is she?" Fred growled as he stepped as close as he could to me, leaning down in a threatening manor.

I wasn't afraid of this weasel. "Who?"

I gasped for air as I was thrown into a wall. The snarling redheaded beast holding me leaned close to my face, anger visible in his eyes. "Where. Is. She. Malfoy?"

I gulped, opening my mouth to answer when suddenly the room grew warmer and the fighting stopped.

"Draco? What is this? What's happening?" The angelic voice of Belle called out to me.

Weasley and I both looked toward the voice and met the beautiful eyes of Belle, who stared at the two of us, shocked.

The anger in Fred's gaze softened and his grip on me released. He took one step towards Belle who backed up, her eyes dodging between me and Weasel. She looked scared.

Good, the spell is still working.

"Belle? It's me, Fred. Come on, Elle. Come home with me." Fred's voice had grown gentle.

Belle's eyes narrowed and she froze Fred by brandishing her wand. "Did you hurt Draco?"

Fred looked shocked as I smirked at him. "Belle, why would you care? It's Draco we are talking about."

She nodded, "I know. betrothed. Did you hurt him?"


Belle's POV

Feeling the cold air on my face, I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. There were many thoughts of Draco and I walking out in the gardens together, or eating lunch together, and I smiled at the memories.

After a lovely memory of Draco and I having a picnic in front of the fountain finished replaying in my head, things grew heavy and I found myself fighting to open a closed door in my mind. My smile turned into a frown as I realized I couldn't open it.

There were voices inside, calling out to me and I held in a whimper as I felt a tug on my heart when one voice called out louder than the others.

"Belle? Help us! Come home to us, please! Belle!" The voice sounded calm yet terrified.

My eyes flew open and I gasped for air. Deciding my walk outside was done, I quickly headed back inside and toward the kitchen. My feet froze when I heard a weirdly familiar voice that gave me chills.

"Where is she, Malfoy?"

I flew into the living room and gasped at what I saw. Death eaters fighting against people of all ages. Turning my head, my eyes met those of Draco who was being held down by a skinny red headed man. He looked about my age.

Having heard my gasp, the boy looked up and saw me. His eyes, which once held anger, were full of happiness

He let go of Draco and took a step toward me. He said his name was Fred. Why do I feel some sort of connection at the name? He took another step which caused me to stagger back. He frowned at my sudden move. "Come home with me, Belle."

He held out his hand at the same time that I pulled my wand from my knee-High boots, pointing it toward him.

"Did you hurt him?" I questioned, all my worries leaning toward Draco.

Fred's face turned to one of confusion. "Belle, this is Draco we are talking about. Draco Malfoy..."

I nodded my head briskly, meeting the shocked gaze of Fred Weasley, "I know. Draco, my betrothed. Did you hurt him?"

Fred gaped at me as I cautiously made my way around him and stood tall at Draco's side.

Draco clasped my hand lightly and smiled at me encouragingly. "You can do it, Elle. Tell this weasel where his place is."

I missed the smirk Draco sent Fred, but my blue eyes fell on the storm-filled eyes of Fred once again.

There's something familiar about him...

He held my gaze stiffly. "Belle, please tell me this is some joke. If you are marrying this git to save us, you don't have to. We can save ourselves, we just need you with us."

I frowned. "Who is 'we'?"

Fred looked angry and shocked at the same time. "Who is 'we'? Belle, 'we' is your family. Your home."

Draco took a step forward, his grip tightening on my hand slightly. "Her home is by my side, Weasley. Get lost before you pay the consequences."

Fred snarled in response, glaring daggers at the platinum blonde boy across from him. Without looking away from Draco, Fred asked me, "Is that true, Belle? Is this your home?"

Glancing between the two boys as they continued deadly staring contest, I nodded firmly. "Yes, my home is wherever Draco is."

The next thing that happened came quicker than ever imagined.


Sorry guys! This was a shorter chapter but, hey, I updated finally! I hope everyone had good holidays from Christmas to Easter! I love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter! Two POVs in this chapter!!! Exciting! Please keep commenting and voting! I love reading your guys' conversations and I even join in to some of them! Y'all are amazing and I thank you for continuing on with my slow updates!

Thank you again, and see you in the next chapter!


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