Chapter 10-Gone With the Wind

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Belle's POV

How could I be so stupid? I knew it was all a lie! Fred didn't really care for me. He used me to gain his freedom.

I couldn't stop the tears that were running down my cheeks. As I ran farther from that shack that had given me what I had thought to be my freedom, I began to wonder about my life with Draco.

Was it worse than the life I was currently living? The life of freedom? Random thoughts flashed through my head, distracting me from focusing on where I was running.

Before I knew it, I was in the middle of the woods. Darkness surrounded me as my brain moved into survival mode.

I felt the chills run through me before I heard his voice.

"Hello, Love. Miss me?"

I turned around to find the one and only Draco Malfoy standing a few feet away from me. I gasped and backed away, fear taking over my emotions.

"Leave me alone, Draco. Go away."

I hated the whimper that left my mouth. I continued to back away as he moved closer, stepping back until my hands hit the trunk of a tree. Suddenly I had nowhere to go.

Draco stepped in front of my, smoothly grabbing my hands in his. He leaned closer to me, and the words that left his mouth frightened me, "Soon, my Love...soon, you will forget everything."

His lips met mine and he kissed me deeply. Instantly, I felt my thoughts slip away as I melted into Draco's arms. Black surrounded me as I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep, Draco carrying me back to the unknown.


Fred's POV

I can't believe how stupid I am. I let Belle get away again, and this time it was all my fault. I constantly make mistakes, and no matter what I do, it always affects Belle in the worst way.

George yanked me toward the stairs. "You have to go after her. Draco knows that she was last with you, how long do you really think it will take before he finds her?"

A shiver ran down my spine as I thought of Belle being back in the iron grasp of that blonde twat. She was mine and mine alone. I had to get her back. "Alright, alright, I'm going." I paused at the top stair to look back at my twin, "Are you coming?"

George shakes his head, "I can't this time. This is a job for you and you alone." I only nod in response, turning back to walk downstairs. George reaches out once more to grab my arm. When I turn to look back, he has a solemn expression on his face. "Just bring our Elle home safely."

I nod once more before rushing down the stairs and into the dark kitchen. Everyone had to be asleep at this time, it was past midnight. Before leaving the house, I grabbed my jacket off of the coat hanger and slipped my shoes on. Assuring my wand was placed securely in my back pocket, I quietly slipped out the door. The night was eerily still as I made my way to Dad's flying car. He had fixed it up, making it look brand new.

I turned the key once I was settled in the leather seat, and the car rumbled to life. Within seconds, I was out of the garage and flying above the ground, watching for the beautiful brown hair of Belle.

After fifteen minutes of searching the miles of fields around the Burrow, the car screeched to a stop and I sighed. There was no way she could have gotten any farther on foot. She must have apparated somewhere else, but how? She was nowhere near full strength so there was no way she could have apparated herself anywhere on her own. That thought sent a chill running down my spine. There was only one reasonable explanation for her disappearance, and it was one that I did not want to picture.


Belle's POV

I didn't want to open my eyes. Not now, not when I heard that sickly sweet voice. I couldn't be back here, trapped in a world of darkness. I couldn't be.

A cold hand touched my bare shoulder, and in an instant my body was covered with goosebumps. "My love, are you awake?" When I didn't answer, the cold hand gripped my shoulder tighter, "I said, are you awake?"

My eyes fluttered open, and I stared up at the blonde boy who kidnapped my heart. "I am, my Lord." This felt like a nightmare. Part of me wished it was. I wished that I was still asleep in the bed back at the Burrow, where the Weasleys, who I apparently knew, were kind to me and kept me out of the dark. But this was real, this was a nightmare that I was living.

Draco's smile looked sinister, but still deep within my heart, I felt that tug of romance. I still felt love for him, even after all he did that day Fred and I got away. "Why, Belle, you gave us quite a scare when you ran away from home."

This isn't my home.

The voice in my head shocked me at how quickly it denied his statement, but I kept quiet. My silence frustrated Draco, and his eyes darkened. "Fine, don't speak. It makes this easier for me." He stands quickly, facing away from me. "The Dark Lord is coming here in three weeks' time, and you must be prepared for our wedding. He's decided to marry us before our reign as a precaution in case something happens to him sooner. He wants us to be prepared to lead if we need to."

I froze in horror. The Dark Lord, he was coming here? I  haven't seen him in persons since Draco and I first fell in love. I don't remember anything that happened that day, but from what Draco told me, it was almost as if a spell had been cast on us, we fell in love so suddenly. My heart lurched uncomfortably at that thought. Since I first heard that story, it had always been such a beautiful memory and it made me feel happy, but now all I felt was sick to my stomach thinking about loving Draco. What was going on? I had no time to think about it because Draco had me by the hand and was leading me back through the maze of Malfoy Manor and up to my bedroom.

"Rest now, my dear. You've had quite the journey. We will talk more in the morning." Draco kissed my forehead before pushing me into my room and closing the door, leaving me alone in complete darkness.


Author's Note:

Sorry this is such a short chapter, but I needed to get something out for you guys! I might put this one on hold for a bit while i work on books 2-6. I am not sure yet, but please comment and let me know if you'd like me to keep working on this one while updating book two! I will do whatever you guys would like. I am done with classes for the summer so I have more free time! Also, fun life update: I got a kitten! If you have any name ideas, please comment them below! My fam likes the name Jasper, but we are looking for more ideas! I will drop a picture of him below! Thanks guys and I hope y'all have a wonderful day! :)

 I am done with classes for the summer so I have more free time! Also, fun life update: I got a kitten! If you have any name ideas, please comment them below! My fam likes the name Jasper, but we are looking for more ideas! I will drop a picture o...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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