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A/N hey SNOW F.L.A.K.E.S sorry for not updating i was a lazy person for a few weeks so here's your chapter

Lilac woke up the next morning to a kitten sitting on her face. Lilac screamed before realizing it was just Pumpkin her little orange kitten.

The boys rushed into her room before seeing Lilac stroking the cat while playing on her phone.

"Lilac!" Jerome yelled as he saw she wasn't in danger.

"Yes?" Lilac answered nonchalantly putting down her phone.

"What happened?!" Mich asked as he walked into the room.

"Pumpkitty startled me" She replied while holding the kitten up "didn't you?"

Everyone sighed before leaving the room to go do whatever they were doing before.


"Lilac!" Jerome yelled up the stairs."Come down stairs and bring your laptop!"

Lilac didn't bother with a reply and raced down the stairs laptop in hand.

"Sooooo why do you need me?" Lilac asked as she flopped onto a beanbag and opened her laptop.

"Well" Jerome started before he was cut off by Lilac.

"Dude if this is something i don't want to know don't tell me " Lilac said thinking of what this talk could be about.

Jerome started laughing as she said this and only stopped after see Lilacs quizzical looks. "Lilac I just wanted to see if you want to start a youtube channel!"

Lilac's face reddened and she looked down "I was not expecting that"

Jerome laughed again "any way so yes or no on the channel?"

Lilac gave him a look that said 'what do you think?' before giving her answer "Take a guess you goof"

"Taking that as a yes" was what he said before beckoning her to sit next to him on the squishy leather couch. "Well lets start!"

~~~~~~~~~~~timeskip of awesomeness kesesesese~~~~~~

"So what do you want to name your channel?" Jerome asked excitedly.

"Well.... I shall name it *pauses for dramatic effect* MidnightLilacs!"

Jerome smiled "OK!"


Snowy :Hey guys! I sorry for not updating in FOREVER

Lilac: You got that right

Snowy: What did you say?!?

Lilac: Nothing!

Snowy: Anyway bye SNOW F.L.A.K.E.S!

A shimmer of Lilac (an adopted by ASFJerome fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now