School aka seven crappy hours of our lives part 1

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The day was a comfortable heat and clear but that wasn't enough motivation for Lilac to remove herself from her bed.
As time ticked on the brunette was woken up by her brother and his friend's airhorn, that she didn't know existed.
"What the heck !" Lilac screeched, skillfully whipping a pillow at the group. "I was sleeping." She mumbled the last part and crossed her arms.
The boys laughed, before Mitch explained the situation. "You have school today." He said still smiling "And Jerome and you have to get there early to get some paper work done."
"I'll be ready in a few minutes." Lilac stated before pointing to the door "So get out." And with that they left and Lilac got changed into her enderman shirt, violet jeans and black "It's anime, you wouldn't understand" hoodie.
When she went downstairs she grabbed a pear and leaned against the counter, her back pack that she had packed the night before hung loosely from one shoulder as she waited to be dragged to school.

When Jerome came downstairs, he looked ridiculously over dressed in comparison to her. He was wearing a wrinkle free button down and dress pants with black dress shoes.
When he noticed her total look of "wtf are you wearing?" He simply said "First impressions are important." Before walking out to his car with Lilac followed closely behind him.
-----------one boring car ride later--------

When they pulled up to the school Lilac automatically moved away from the window. She had a had been picked on as a child and usually tried to not be noticed. Jerome took notice and placed a hand on her shoulder and said "You've got this." With his goofy smile plastered on his face before getting out and walking up to the school with Lilac trailing him like a lost puppy.

She adjusted easily to the stares from other students, it happened everywhere she went because of her eyes. They were a bright purple gray color that most have never seen so she was used to the attention.

When they got inside the front lobby was filled with students and more stares . They soon reached the office where she took a seat inside waiting to get her locker combination and class schedule.

While she sat a brunette tripped over her legs and Lilac automatically stood to help her up.

"Are you ok?" Lilac asked the girl as she stood.

The girl nodded and held out her hand with a devilish smile "Akira nice to meet you, president of the anime club. Who would you be?"

Lilac shook her hand "Lilac Aceti-Silver, new student and hopefully new member of the anime club." She said knowing that this was the start of an amazing friendship.

Hi guys this is the first of my weekly updates I hope you enjoyed it

A shimmer of Lilac (an adopted by ASFJerome fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now